PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH: December 30, 2018: First Sunday After Christmas With joy and gratitude for the gift of Christ the Savior, let us draw near to our heavenly…
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH: December 24, 2018: Christmas Eve and December 25, Christmas Day With joy and gratitude for the gift of Christ the Savior, let us draw near…
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, December 23, 2018: 4th Sunday in Advent For the Church, the world, for one another, and for the sake of all people, let us pray…
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, December 16, 2018: 3rd Sunday in Advent For the Church, the world, for one another, and for the sake of all people, let us pray…
Lessons and Hymn Suggestions Advent-Transfiguration of Our Lord, Cycle C December 2, 2018 – March 3, 2019 NOTE: LBW – Lutheran Book of Worship (The Green Book) WOV –…
A few years ago, I was transfixed and moved by the story of the 20 Christian martyrs who were beheaded by Islamic terrorists in Libya by the shore of the…
You'll see that I have "recycled" the words from the Advent Nunc Dimittis by setting them to a different tune: Von Himmel Hoch, or "From Heaven Above to Earth I…
The "OLD Red Hymnal," AKA SBH, AKA Service Book and Hymnal, was where I first encountered the lovely Christmas carol, "Love Came Down at Christmas." The tune is a gentle…