Prayers of the Church, 9th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 13 – August 2, 2020

Prayers of the Church, 9th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 13 – August 2, 2020

Let us pray for the church, the world, and all people according to their need.

A brief silence is kept.


Heavenly Father, thank you for daily bread that nourishes soul and body. Thank you for the Bread of Life, Jesus your Son. Give us this bread always. Help us share with those who are famished.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Feed your Church with the Bread of Heaven. Refresh it with living water. Heal it with the wine of forgiveness. Nourish it with the milk of your kindness. Then, send the Church into the world, to invite those who do not yet know you to drink from the waters of salvation and feast on the bread of life.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


We pray for Christians around the world who are imprisoned and killed because they name Jesus as Lord. Bestow on them your steadfast love and, so that they may be bold, faithful, and gracious in their witness to their Savior. Help us to serve, defend and provide for them however we can.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Make the people of this congregation hungry for your truth and thirsty for your mercy. Let us feast upon Jesus in Word and Sacrament. And then, make us overflow with holy love, so we eagerly share him with those who need it most.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

There are so many hungry people! Bless every food pantry, community garden, meal program, and aid organization that feeds the hungry. Help us to endow poor communities with skills and resources, to feed themselves and be a blessing to many others.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Teach the leaders of the nations to incline their ears to you; to rightly lead their people; and to seek that good which endures. Give them the desire and the means to provide food, jobs, education, and safety for those entrusted to their care. And grant to all people those good things which sustain life and hope.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Jesus’ disciples learned his power by obeying his command to feed the people. We are his disciples, too. We’re sometimes overwhelmed by the size of the task: so many hungry, hurting people! And we’re daunted by our resources: we’re so small, old, limited, untutored! Give us the obedient hearts of the first disciples. Help to follow Jesus by little steps: Sitting, praying, listening, sharing, gathering. Remind us that Jesus will take, break, and bless our small gifts, and use them to feed a world starved for him.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Grant refreshment, strength, and healing to everyone who struggles with any sort of adversity. Especially we lift before you the needs of: {List}. Give compassion and competence to all who care for them. And hasten the day when they may joyfully say, “You remembered us in our low estate, for your mercy endures forever; and delivered us from our enemies, for your mercy endures forever.”

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Heavenly Father, keep in your care all who have died trusting in your promises. Turn our sorrow into joy, and our tears to laughter. Have compassion on us. Nourish, sustain, guide, and protect us. Teach us to care for each other tenderly. Gather us around your Son, to receive every good gift from his wounded hands. Let him lead us, and all your people, to the festal table you have prepared. There may we eat and drink and gaze upon him, our heart’s desire, forever.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Hear our prayer, O Father, and grant all that glorifies you and builds up your people. This we ask for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

Prayers of the Church, 8th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 12 – July 26, 2020

Prayers of the Church, 8th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 12 – July 26, 2020

Let us lift our hearts, hands, and voices in prayer to God on behalf of all people.

A brief silence is kept.


Dear Father, thank you for giving to your Chosen People Israel the gorgeous pearl of your holy Word in Torah, Prophets, and Writings. Thank you for enfleshing your Word most perfectly in the great Pearl beyond all price, your dear son Jesus. Thank you for making us, through him, into your pearl your hidden treasure, your beloved people!

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Make the Church lovely with Jesus’ goodness. May it always treat your Word and Sacraments as precious, living treasures, not as dusty relics or as optional bric-a-brac. By the gracious power of your Spirit, draw many to faith in Jesus, so they may never be separated from your love.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


We pray for our persecuted sisters and brothers, who face “tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword.” Make them more than conquerors through the Cross of Christ; and soften the hearts of those who torment them.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Keep this congregation in your care, knowing that nothing can separate us from your love for us in Christ Jesus. Use our words and deeds to share that love with those around us who need it most.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Bless your people the Jews. You chose them not because they were great but because you loved them; and from them you brought forth the pearl of great price, even Jesus Christ your dear Son. Enfold your people in your protective and loving embrace; and bring them and us into the fulness of joy you have prepared for those who love you.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Establish your justice among the nations, O Lord; and do not let the scepter of evil hold sway over us. Establish your justice among rulers of countries and captains of industry; among leaders in every field of inquiry and endeavor; and among your people everywhere. Turn our hearts from evildoing and crooked ways; and fix them firmly upon faith toward you and fervent love toward one another.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

We pray for justice, concord, and safety to flourish in this land. We pray for wrongdoers to be held accountable for their deeds, and to repent of them. We pray for wise words, not inflamed rhetoric, from our leaders. We pray for constructive decisions, not rash actions or empty gestures, from those entrusted with authority. We pray for those who risk their lives on behalf of others, that even in difficult circumstances they exhibit integrity and valor. We pray that in all circumstances, your will be done.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

We pray for the sick, injured, dying and bereaved; for the troubled, confused, lonely, or despairing; and for everyone who struggles with the tribulations of this life – especially {List}. Help us to show them, in word and deed, that though the world seems against them, you are for them; you love them; you justify them; and you shall indeed make them more than conquerors.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Most Holy Father, we remember before you our departed loved ones. Remember your faithfulness and loving-kindness to us, though we are in the thousandth generation of those whom you have named as your own. Teach us to eagerly seek and dearly treasure your Son, our Pearl of great price. Whatever trials we endure in this life, grant that blessed outcome promised to all who love you. In your great mercy, bring us into your Kingdom. There, with all the redeemed, may we rejoice in your love and delight in you forever.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Receive and graciously answer our prayer, heavenly Father, for the sake of your dear Son; and by the power of your Holy Spirit, give us the strength and will to accomplish whatever you call us to do. Amen.

Prayers of the Church, 7th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 11 – July 19, 2020

Prayers of the Church, 7th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 11 – July 19, 2020

Let us lift our hearts, hands, and voices in prayer to God on behalf of all people.

A brief silence is kept.


Holy Father, thank you for stating what we constantly ignore or forget: that every one of us is a weedy field! Thank you for giving us Jesus’ strong, wise words to stand against the “cancel culture” that seeks only to uproot and destroy. Thank you for his patient, grace-filled tending, that alone can “cancel” our sins and heal our flawed lives and broken hearts. Thank you for your promise to gather us in, from every race, kindred, tribe and nation, as your treasured, holy, precious, and redeemed people.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

You are the first and the last; beside you there is no god. Give your Church the faith and courage to proclaim that in Jesus, crucified and raised from the dead for the forgiveness of sins unto eternal life, you have revealed your nature and your heart to the whole world.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Come to the aid of all who suffer abuse, scorn, and deadly violence because they name a crucified Jewish carpenter as the one, true and only God. Grant that their faithful witness and grace under fire should bear radiant witness to that precious truth.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


We look at our congregation, and into our own hearts. We confess that we are fields sown with weeds as well as wheat. Forgive us. Deal mercifully with us. By the grace of your Spirit, help us to bear one another’s faults with patience and gentleness. Remind us that you alone will make us pure, holy, and good, by conforming us to your dear Son.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

We pray for our enemies – especially those who hate us because of our faith in Jesus. We pray for all who deny and despise him. We pray for all who do not know him, or who only know a shriveled, distorted image of him. Soften their hearts; enlighten their minds; and fill them with your Spirit, so they may repent and believe in the Good News.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

We know there are no perfect rulers or programs – only sinful people in a fallen and death-shadowed world. Therefore, we groan in travail, pleading that you would free us from bondage and futility. We cry out for redemption and righteousness; for healing and wholeness; and for your Sabbath rest, your Shalom. Until then, make us humble, gentle, and wise; and heal the evil we have caused.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Your Son’s parable counseled letting weeds and wheat grow together. Yet for the sake of your people, we must stem the spread of deadly weeds: violence, injustice, and hatred. Therefore, we plead on behalf of those in the military, police, security, intelligence, and first response. Give them wisdom, integrity, and honor, so that by their labors, those they serve may have a measure of justice and safety.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Sickness, sorrow, and adversity take root in every life. We cannot uproot them all, yet we know you desire abundant life for your servants. And so, we are bold to pray for everyone who suffers, and especially for: {List}. Speedily grant them health, hope and comfort; and in the fullness of time, complete in them and in us all, the full and perfect healing that you have promised in Christ Jesus.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

We thank you, heavenly Father, for those who have gone before us and are at rest in you. We pray for one another, especially those whose grief runs deep. Teach us to pray confidently, knowing that you have made us your children. Teach us to care and share, encourage and challenge, comfort and forgive, knowing that you will prosper your handiwork. And gather us to yourself as your rich and fruitful harvest in Christ Jesus, so that with all your forgiven sinners, we may abide with you forever.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Receive and graciously answer our prayer, heavenly Father, for the sake of your dear Son; and by the power of your Holy Spirit, give us the strength and will to accomplish whatever you call us to do. Amen.

Prayers of the Church, 6th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 10 – July 12, 2020

Prayers of the Church, 6th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 10 – July 12, 2020

Let us lift our hearts, hands, and voices in prayer to God on behalf of all people.

A brief silence is kept.


Heavenly Father, thank you for the simple images of seeds and soil. Thank you for using what we’re familiar with to point us to deeper truths. Thank you that we don’t need a Ph.D., a corner office, or a million Twitter followers to bear rich fruit, to your glory and for the nourishment of people famished for your healing and life-giving love.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Fill the Church with the Holy Spirit. Make it beautiful with holiness and rich with wisdom. Let your Word take root in it and accomplish that which you purpose. Draw all flesh into its courts; hear their prayers; forgive their sins; and accomplish their salvation.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Grant patience, courage, and gentleness to everyone who is persecuted on account of Jesus; and do not let their witness to you return to you empty. Uproot the stones and weeds from the hearts of their tormentors, so that they may bear the fruits of repentance and be saved.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Deal mercifully with this congregation. Make our words, deliberations, and ministries faithful and fruitful. Uproot the deep-rooted weeds and remove the stubborn stones of sin from the fields of our lives. Break down the hard-trodden paths of worldly customs. Make your Word grow so richly that many hearts may be nourished through our presence in your world.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

We praise you for favorable weather and fruitful earth; for the fields and orchards, flocks and herds, streams and seas which nourish us all. Bless farmers and ranchers, fishers and shepherds, gardeners and all whose knowledge and effort helps to protect, preserve, and wisely use the gifts of creation. Help us to be generous stewards of your bounty, sharing with all who are in need.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

We pray for this nation, beset by troubles and strife, yet still our beloved country. Reform its laws, purify its speech, instruct its leaders, and soften every heart to see one another as your beloved children, created in your image and redeemed at great cost by your dear Son.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

You intend for us to live in joy and peace; yet in this sin-darkened world, violence, injustice, and evil threaten so many. We pray for those tasked with defending life and liberty. Conform their actions to your will, so all may enjoy the fruits of safety, concord, freedom, and justice.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Bring healing and hope to everyone who is afflicted by sorrow, suffering and sin – especially {List}. Lead them out of their darkness into the brightness of your saving love. Grant peace to their hearts and joy to their loved ones, that together they may praise your awesome deeds of salvation.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Thank you, dear Father, for all who have died trusting in you. Lead and guide us, who still walk a road that is stony and desolate, overgrown with the thorns of sin and briers of violence. Refresh us in this wilderness. Give us nourishment for our bodies, hope for our hearts, and your Spirit to abide with us along life’s way. Crown our years with blessing. By the merits of your dear Son, gather us safely to yourself, where with all whom you have redeemed, we may sing with joy forever.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Receive and graciously answer our prayer, heavenly Father, for the sake of your dear Son; and by the power of your Holy Spirit, give us the strength and will to accomplish whatever you call us to do. Amen.

Prayers of the Church, 5th Sunday after Pentecost – July 5, 2020

Prayers of the Church, 5th Sunday after Pentecost – July 5, 2020

Let us lift our hearts, hands, and voices in prayer to God on behalf of all people.

A brief silence is kept.

Dear Father, thank you for Jesus, our friend and yokefellow. Thank you for soul’s refreshment and heart’s ease; for mind’s nourishment and body’s rest. Thank you for faith, family, and freedom; for liberty and justice; for the countless blessings we so often take for granted.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Grant that your Church should always be as gentle and lowly of heart as its Savior. Use it to draw people who are heavy-laden by the world, the devil, and their own sinfulness, to the One who will give them rest. Let the Church’s high calling – of faith toward you and fervent love toward others – be a light and joyous burden to bear.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Give refreshment, rest, and respite to your suffering Church throughout the world. Help us, who are richly supplied with your good gifts, to share generously with them; to pray for them; and to speak and act on their behalf before their tormentors.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Thank you for the people of this congregation. Help us to see one another with the eyes of Jesus. Some are carrying heavy burdens, known only to them and to you. Ease their load; and give each of us such gentle hearts and words that we, too, refresh their spirits. Shape all our words and works, so that many  may find encouragement, forgiveness, hope, and renewed joy in loving and serving you.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Thank you for this beautiful world, over which you have set us as your stewards. Give us a double measure of your Holy Spirit, so that we may be wise, responsible, and compassionate as we tend the land and its creatures. Help us to enjoy the loveliness of creation, finding in it refreshment for our souls and relaxation for our bodies.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Bless, purify, and guide this nation. Let the words of the song be our prayer on its behalf. “America, America, God mend thine every flaw; confirm thy soul in self-control, thy liberty in law!” Grant to the people of every nation favorable weather, peaceful times, and respite from the burdens of sickness, poverty, and violence. Teach us all to eagerly seek and share your mercy, guidance, and blessings.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Ease the heavy burdens borne by all who risk their lives to keep us healthy, safe, just, and free.

Grant success to all they do in accordance with your will. Heal those wounded in body, mind, or spirit. Comfort and strengthen their loved ones. May their service be honored and their skills re-purposed when their duties are finished.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Give rest and refreshment, respite and healing to everyone who are weighed down by sin, sorrow, or suffering. Especially we pray for: {List}. Ease also the heavy load of care and worry that their loved ones shoulder; and give to us all the joy of your saving help.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Thank you, dear Father, for the life, love, and labor of your faithful departed servants. Until we are reunited with them and with your children of every time and place, bless us with your steadfast mercy and loving-kindness. Yoked to our Savior, and guided by his Spirit, let us help one another in bearing the necessary burdens of this life. Lead us into the eternal rest and unending joy which you have promised to everyone whom you have redeemed through the merits of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Receive and graciously answer our prayer, heavenly Father, for the sake of your dear Son; and by the power of your Holy Spirit, give us the strength and will to accomplish whatever you call us to do. Amen.

Prayers of the Church, 4th Sunday after Pentecost – June 28, 2020

Prayers of the Church, 4th Sunday after Pentecost – June 28, 2020

Let us pray for the Church, the world, and for one another.

A brief silence is kept.

Father, you pay us the dubious compliment of revealing stern, high, difficult truths to us. You expect us to see the world honestly, and to value your truth above even earthly peace. You speak to us of sin and death, cross bearing and persecution, suffering and service. Give us a double measure of your Spirit as we seek to be disciples of Jesus, because, dear Lord, we’re going to need it!

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Give the Church courage to speak your truth, even when that seems to bring not peace but a sword. Keep it faithful to the testimony of apostles and martyrs, saints, and doctors of your one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church throughout all time and space. Grant that it should prefer nothing whatsoever to Christ; and that it should count as its greatest honor the bearing of his Cross in this sin-shadowed world.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Preserve the lives of your persecuted servants from those who despise your Law. When they must bear a bitter cross, keep them faithful, firmly fixed on the joy set before them. Give us courage to defend and assist them. Give us grace to faithfully serve the Lord for whom they are willing to die.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Bless the people and ministries of this congregation. In these strange and difficult days, give us fresh ways of being nourished in your Word and strengthened in our fellowship. We ask a special blessing upon all Vacation Bible School programs, especially as their leaders strive to create fellowship and fun even while socially distancing.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Even in the lazy days of summer, you call us to be Jesus’ apprentices in the art and craft of healing souls, enlightening minds, and softening hearts to receive your great gifts. Bless and guide everyone learning to be disciples of Jesus, walking with him as he seeks the hurting and lost.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

We pray for our own nation, and for our elected and appointed leaders. Yet we do not pray only for our nation, but for the leaders and people of every nation upon earth. Bless our world with peace, and with freedom from every evil which besets it. Teach us all to live together as your children, and to work together for the prospering of all.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Keep safe those in the military, and all on the front lines of chaos, danger and disease. Prosper all they do that is in accordance with your will. Give them clear heads, capable hands, and upright spirits. Bring them safely home when their task is done, and heal those who are injured in any way.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

We pray on behalf of your servants who suffer in body, mind, spirit, or circumstance, and for all who crave your mercy and blessing, especially: {List}. Restore them to health, wholeness, and hope. Help us to give even a cup of cold water for the sake of our Lord and his love for them. Bless all caregivers, doctors, nurses, technicians, and therapists with compassionate expertise and cheerful service.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

With reverence and affection, we remember before you our beloved dead. Comfort all who grieve. Help us care for each other for Jesus’ sake: forgiving, helping, chiding, or encouraging, as there is need. Help us speak hard truths with humility and love. Give us grace to take up our cross and follow Jesus, knowing that he will lead us through danger, evil, and death, and will bring us home to you forever.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

All this we ask, dear Father, in the power of your Spirit. Receive our prayers and grant all that is in accordance with your will, for the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayers of the Church, 3rd Sunday after Pentecost – June 21, 2020 (Fathers’ Day)

Prayers of the Church, 3rd Sunday after Pentecost – June 21, 2020 (Fathers’ Day)

Let us pray for the Church, the world, and for one another.

A brief silence is kept.

 Thank you, dear Father, for Jesus, whom we may trust, body and soul, even when he brings not peace but a sword. Thank you for the severe mercy of death and resurrection, Law and Gospel, repentance and forgiveness. Thank you for entrusting your Kingdom and your living Word to us, even though we often feel unequal to that trust!

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

You established your Church as a school for mission to the world. Rekindle that missionary zeal in the hearts of all pastors, theologians, and leaders in the Church.  Help them form all Christians into eager witnesses to the love of Jesus. Free the Church from worldly preoccupations, and free it to announce and share the glorious inheritance which belongs to all whom Christ has redeemed.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Strengthen the hearts and the faith of everyone who is persecuted for naming Jesus as Lord. Keep them from repaying evil with evil, but instead, by their gentleness, patience, and steadfastness, turn the hearts of their tormentors to repentant faith in you.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Fashion this congregation into a missionary outpost; a school for discipleship; a hotbed of generous service; and a temple resounding with your praise. Teach us simple ways of sharing your love with everyone we meet; and give us the strength and will to do them.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Because Jesus called you Abba, Father, we, too, may call you Father. Be the model for every father, and all who act with a father’s care. Give them strength with gentleness, firmness with patience, authority with self-sacrificing love. Help us to honor and thank them, even though they are not perfect. Be the sure protector of all who do not have a loving father in their lives.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Fill the leaders of nations, and everyone in positions of authority, with righteousness, wisdom, and integrity. Help us to live, insofar as it’s up to us, at peace with our neighbors, even when we’re annoyed with them. Help us to care for the poor, hungry, homeless and abused, even when we’re stressed out and stretched thin. And help us to forgive each other, even when that seems hard.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Deliver from evil all who risk their lives in defense of life and liberty. Guide them in pathways of integrity, valor, and justice. Heal them when they fall in the accomplishment of their duties, and restore them in honor to their families and communities.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Bring health and gladness to all whose lives are shadowed by pain, suffering or sorrow – especially: {List}. Be their light and life, their guide and joy. Raise them up from the dark valleys in which they wander. Give compassion, gentleness, and patience to all who care for them. Shelter them always with your love.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Father, we entrust our beloved dead into your care. Hold them in the palm of your hand. Keep us firm in faith and constant in affection. Deliver us from temptation, sin, and suffering. Command your holy angels to shield us from the Evil One’s flaming darts. By the Cross of your beloved Son, lead us safely into your presence. There, with all whom you have redeemed and raised up, grant that we may delight in praising your goodness and mercy forever.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

All this we ask, dear Father, in the power of your Spirit. Receive our prayers and grant all that is in accordance with your will, for the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, 2nd Sunday after Pentecost – June 14, 2020

PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, 2nd Sunday after Pentecost – June 14, 2020

Let us pray for the Church, the world, and for one another.

A brief silence is kept.


Heavenly Father, we are astonished by your kindness and grace. You call us your treasured people. You send your Son to forgive and redeem us, even while we are ungodly and estranged from you. Even more, Jesus calls us to share your gracious love with other ungodly sinners, whom you long to make beloved, treasured members of your family. Thank you. Help us to do, say, and be all you envision and will for us.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Your dear Son called and sent the Apostles to proclaim the Good News, forgive sins, and heal those sorely wounded by the powers of sin, evil and death. Strengthen and equip your Church to follow in their footsteps, and to lead the ungodly to the One who died that they might live.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

We plead on behalf of our persecuted sisters and brothers. Help us to speak in their defense; aid them by prayers and material support; and live lives worthy of our mutual calling in Christ.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Make this congregation lovely with holiness, faithfulness, generosity, and joy. Fill us with your Spirit, so that we serve you with gladness and thanksgiving. Let our lives show the love of Jesus to those who need him the most.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Churches everywhere are beginning to gather, worship, and serve in Jesus’ name once again. Help us to be prudent and diligent, but also bold and fearless. Make us so radiant with love for you and for your people, that our actions encourage, comfort, and strengthen people most afflicted by illness, stress, fear, and hardship.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

You are Lord and King over all nations. Cause our leaders to acknowledge your sovereignty and to do your will for the sake of the people entrusted to them. Grant that in this election year, candidates and voters desire and work for the good of all, not just the favored few.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

We pray for all who protect, serve, and care for others in difficult and dangerous situations. Make them competent, compassionate, brave, and wise. Bring healing and hope to them and to their loved ones when they need them most. Help us to honor their service; but speed the day when they may stand down from their duties and enjoy the blessings of health and peace.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Be gracious and merciful to all who are afflicted in body, mind, or spirit. We pray for families stressed to the breaking point; business owners facing foreclosure or bankruptcy; farmers, fishers, ranchers, and truckers; caregivers to special needs persons; and especially for those whom we name before you now, including: {List}. Bring to all the joy of your saving help.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Most holy Father, thank you for the lives of your faithful people who have gone before us, especially those dearest to us. Keep their memories bright. Keep us steadfast in the faith they passed on to us. Keep the Cross of Jesus ever before us; and keep us true to our calling as his disciples. By his merits, bring us into your blessed Kingdom, where with all whom you have redeemed, we will praise, adore, and glorify you in the power of the Holy Spirit forever.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

All this we ask, dear Father, in the power of your Spirit. Receive our prayers and grant all that is in accordance with your will, for the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayers for a Time of Turmoil

Prayers for a Time of Turmoil

Galatians 5: 13-26: For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters; only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for self-indulgence, but through love become slaves to one another. For the whole law is summed up in a single commandment, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” If, however, you bite and devour one another, take care that you are not consumed by one another. Live by the Spirit, I say, and do not gratify the desires of the flesh. For what the flesh desires is opposed to the Spirit, and what the Spirit desires is opposed to the flesh; for these are opposed to each other, to prevent you from doing what you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not subject to the law. Now the works of the flesh are obvious: fornication, impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, anger, quarrels, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these. I am warning you, as I warned you before: those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against such things. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, competing against one another, envying one another.


Let us pray for the Church, our nation and communities, and all people throughout the world according to their need.

A brief silence

Heavenly Father, we confess to You our sin. We lay before the Cross of Your dear Son Jesus all our brokenness, anger and anguish. We lay before His wounded hands and feet all our fear and despair, our hatred and suspicion of one another, our insistence upon taking law and punishment, protest and retribution, into our own clenched fists. We lay before His pierced heart all our hardness of heart and wanton self-centeredness. We lay before His thorn-crowned head all our prideful notions, stupid and hurtful words, and evil intentions. We are poor, wretched, sinful creatures. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

We confess that we are slaves to sin, to self-centered, self-righteous, self-indulgent words and actions. We are not slaves to each other, anxiously seeking Your good for our neighbor.

Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

We confess that in small ways and great, we bite and devour one another: with hateful actions or apathetic refusal to act; with inflammatory words, or refusal to speak Your truth in love.

Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

We confess that the “works of the flesh” tempt, debase, and destroy our lives and communities, but we are afraid even to name them amongst ourselves lest we offend someone. Yet when we speak and act according to those works of the flesh, we truly offend You and the people you love and long to heal, save and redeem.

Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

We confess that our lives, communities, public institutions, and cultural habits are desperately in need of repentance, transformation, healing, and renewal through Your Holy Spirit. Where You desire love, there is hatred, suspicion, prejudice, and contempt. Where You intend joy, there is despair. Where You counsel patience, we are reactive and impulsive. Where You desire kindness, there is callousness. Where You ask us to respond to Your goodness and to human need with generosity, we are too often selfish. Where You command faithfulness, we shy away from commitment and loyalty. Where You seek gentleness, we act with harshness. Where You counsel self-control, we “express ourselves” in hurtful, dangerous ways.

Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

We confess that we deserve from You the very things we have inflicted upon ourselves and one another. But for the sake of your crucified, risen, and ascended Son, who did not refuse the title Friend of sinners, have mercy on us. Pour out Your Spirit upon all of us. Pour out His healing unction, wisdom, purity, and holy love. Pour Your Spirit upon everyone – black, white, brown; male, female, and those who aren’t sure; poor, wealthy, or in-between; progressives, conservatives, independents; Christians, Jews, Muslims, other people of faith, and those who profess none, and upon every other sort and category of person we could imagine. We so desperately need the Spirit’s gentle balm, like oil and wine on our wounded hearts!

Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

With humble, hopeful hearts, with empty hands lifted in supplication, we plead: Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Spirit, thrice holy, mighty, immortal God, come speedily, and turn not away from our plight. Enlighten our minds. Purify our wills. Cheer our hearts. Speed our feet and strengthen our hands to serve our neighbors. Open our lips to declare Your praise – and to speak, in word and deed, Your Word of Law and Gospel to people whose hearts are starved and whose lives cry out for You.

Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Amen.

Prayers of the Church, Holy Trinity, Cycle A (June 7, 2020)

Prayers of the Church, Holy Trinity, Cycle A (June 7, 2020)


In the power of the Spirit, let us pray to God the Father, that through his dear Son, he would accomplish his will for the Church, the world, and all people for whom we pray.

A brief silence

We adore you, O Lord, and confess you are one God in three Persons. With God the Son, in the power of God the Spirit, we are bold to pray to God the Father as “Our Father!” We do not deserve, and can barely comprehend, such a wonder. All we can do is bless your holy Name and proclaim your goodness and grace to the world.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Grant that your Church may always worship your Triune nature in unity; and confess that your unity is that of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Give the Church such wisdom and faith that it may rightly proclaim your Name to the world. And give it such humility and grace that, through it, many come to know, trust, and love you, the Lord and Savior of the world.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

You commanded the Church to go into all nations, making disciples, baptizing in your Name, and teaching others to observe all you have commanded. Keep your persecuted servants faithful to that Great Commission, even when it would be easier to fall away. Purify, strengthen and correct the words and lives of us who are NOT persecuted, so we are not a scandal to their witness, nor a stumbling-block to those who do not yet believe.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Make this congregation a temple fit for your most holy presence. Use our committees, Bible studies, choirs, and other ministries to glorify your Name in our midst; to bind us together in your love; and to draw those who are far from you into your loving and saving embrace.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

You created this world and blessed it and called it good; and you entrust it to us as your stewards. We are called to be the very face of God to creation! Grant that we may use the bounties of the sea, land and air with wisdom and prudence. Give gentle and loving hearts to all who care for animals. Bless farmers, ranchers, fisher-folk, and all who keep an anxious eye on weather, pollution, and everything that affects this beautiful planet.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Remind leaders of the nations that they are your stewards of authority and power. Remind captains of industry and commerce that they are stewards of the world’s resources. Remind the healthy and wealthy, the educated and influential, the popular and powerful, that they, too, are stewards of your lavish gifts. Remind all of us that we are stewards of your bounty. You command us to use them in accordance with your will; and your will is for all people and all creatures to enjoy their rightful portion of your gifts.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Shield and guide our military, first responders, and all who are charged with defending life and liberty. Give them wisdom, valor and integrity. Use their skills to establish safety and justice. Heal their bodies, minds and spirits from the shadows of violence and destruction.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Bless, heal, and comfort all who are beset by heartache, despair, pain, confusion, shame or sorrow. Especially we pray for: {List}. Raise them up from the dark valleys in which they wander; be their light and life, their guide and joy. And return them to the fellowship of all who love and pray for them.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Holy God, holy and mighty, holy and immortal: we praise, bless and adore you for showing your mercy to those who have died trusting in your promises. Visit us with your wisdom, love, and forgiveness. Teach us the moves and graces of your triune fellowship. Help us to practice them with one another, for our mutual edification. Bring us into your presence, so that we may sit at table with you and with the whole company of the redeemed. Let us gaze upon your blessed countenance and adore you most joyfully as our Lord and God, O Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever and unto the ages of ages.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Hear our prayers, O Father, for the sake of Jesus your Son; and by the power of your Holy Spirit, bring what is pleasing in your sight to fruition in our lives. Amen.