THE PRAYERS, January 15, 2023: 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany Isaiah 49:1-7 (God’s Servant given as light to all nations) Psalm 40:1-11 (Happy are they who make the…
THE PRAYERS, January 8, 2023: The Baptism of Our Lord Isaiah 42:1-9 (God’s servant will not crush a bruised reed; he is given as light to nations, to open…
THE PRAYERS, January 6, 2023: The Epiphany of Our Lord Isaiah 60:1-6 (Arise, shine, your light has come; nations stream to Israel, bringing gifts) Psalm 72:1-11 (Prayer for guidance…
The Prayers, January 1, 2023: Circumcision and Name Day of Jesus Numbers 6:22-27 (The Aaronic, priestly benediction) Psalm 8 (Divine majesty and human dignity) Galatians 3:23-29 (The…
THE PRAYERS, Christmas Day, Cycle A Sunday, December 25, 2022: Christmas Day, the Nativity of Our Lord Isaiah 52:7-10 (How beautiful the feet of messengers who announce, ‘Your God…
THE PRAYERS, Christmas Eve, Cycle A December 24, 2023: Christmas Eve, the Nativity of Our Lord Isaiah 9:2-7 (For Unto us a child is born) Psalm 96 (Ascribe to…
THE PRAYERS, Advent 4, Cycle A: December 18, 2022 Isaiah 7:1-17 (2 assurances to King Ahaz of God’s presence: the second is that Emmanuel shall be born of the virgin)…
THE PRAYERS, Advent 3, Cycle A December 11, 2022: Advent 3 Isaiah 35:1-10 (The wilderness rejoices when God comes to it) Psalm 146 (The Lord sets prisoners free, opens…
THE PRAYERS, Advent 2, Cycle A December 4, 2022: Advent 2 Isaiah 11:1-10 (A shoot springs up from Jesse’s root; God’s Spirit is upon him) Psalm 72:1-10 (Prayer for…
THE PRAYERS, Advent 1, Cycle A November 27, 2022: Advent 1 Isaiah 2:1-5 (Nations stream to the house of the Lord) Psalm 122 (I was glad when they said…