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“His foundation is in the holy mountains. The Lord loves the gates of Zion more than all the other dwelling places of Jacob. Glorious things are spoken of you, O city of God.” (Psalm 87:1-3)

Those whom the Lord has always known are in His presence. Though we remain in the world, yet we are also in the Lord’s presence. Do not fear, but rejoice that the Lord knows you and loves you. Be guided by His word of love and know that He has plans for you, and they are to prosper you in His presence. Come then and dwell in the house of the Lord and be comforted by His grace.

The Lord knows the troubles we face. Before it happens, He knows the difficulty we will face. Do not fear, but rejoice and know that the Lord is always with You. Be guided by His presence and learn to obey all that He has commanded. Be prepared for what is to come. Trouble comes in the morning, but the end is in the Lord’s hands. Know that He loves those who are His.

Lord Jesus, in great love for all, You came that we may not perish but have everlasting life. You have come that those who are in You would rejoice in the provision of Your grace. Lead me this day, O Lord, that I would walk humbly with You knowing that in You is the hope of every generation. Guide me step by step to live according to the word You have given. Amen

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