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“For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment” (James 2:13).

God is merciful.  But what does one do with those who have no mercy.  They cannot receive what they will not give.  To the merciless there is no mercy.  Look, you get what you deserve unless another has mercy.  The merciless will get what they deserve.  The wages of sin is death and we have all sinned.  Therefore, we all deserve death, and for except God’s mercy, that is what we would receive.

Lord, you know where I seek what I seek and do what I do and where I am merciless.  You have said mercy triumphs over judgment.  Let me be one who follows You and practices the triumph of mercy.  I do feel the desire for vengeance; but help me live instead in the truth that You have conquered death and given us grace.  Guide me in Your goodness to live into the life of faith which gives to others what I have received.

Lord Jesus, we all deserve Your just condemnation because we are under the Law, but You have come in mercy, removing the curse of the Law so that we would have life and not death.  Guide me, dear Lord, to understand that in You there is all hope and an eternal future.  Lead me according to Your goodness to give mercy to others.  Help me to know that in You there is nothing but hope and an eternal future.  Let Your mercy triumph so that in Your grace I may always abide.  Amen.

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