“But they paid no attention and went their separate ways, one to his own farm, another to his business, and the rest seized his slaves and treated them abusively, and then killed them” (Matthew 22:5-9).
Lord, I have been a worker in Your vineyard, and You have seen how the faithful are treated by those in this world. This world hates You and because they hate You, they hate any who do Your bidding. We need to see this reality. We need to understand that we live in a world of rebellion and any who join the side of the Lord are instantly put in enmity with the world. It is the way of this age.
Lord, let me not be stopped by adversity. I am in need, and You have provided for that need. Guide me out of the way of this world’s thinking in order that I may realize the battle that goes on in my own mind. Help me to live into the life to which You have called me. Guide me to understand things through Your words. Let me not be one who abuses, even though I have been abused. Lead me in the upward call of salvation.
Lord Jesus, You know things as they were, as they are, and as they shall be. Lead me in the way of a true life of salvation. Lead me out of my rebellion to begin again as a slave to Your word. Do with me what You will so that I become like You. Through all these things, take away my reaction to anything other than Your call to follow You alone through all of these things. Amen.