Devotion for Friday, March 21, 2025

“Jesus spoke to them again in parables, saying, “The kingdom of heaven is like a king who held a wedding feast for his son” (Matthew 22:1-2).

Many of Jesus parables were about father and son, for in telling of the Kingdom, God the Father wants us to know God the Son.  The groom is Christ, and the church is His bride.  It helps us understand what our Lord is preparing for all who believe.  We are being brought into an eternal relationship with the Creator of all things.  We are invited to the wedding feast.  We are invited to be the bride.

Lord, I am sometimes puzzled, for I cannot fully understand.  Help me so that I do not go to the place where I make things up when I do not understand.  Help me so that I come to believe and   trust You above all things.  Lord, You say these things so that I may trust in You.  There are great mysteries, so help me to live in the mystery which is reality, but trust in the revelation You have given, which I do understand.

Lord Jesus, You are telling me that I am not yet where I shall be.  You have offered a great gift in the salvation You have purchased that I might be redeemed and join in the wedding feast.  Lead me all the days of my life to which You have called me.  Guide me in Your goodness and mercy.  Lord Jesus, I need Your teaching to guide me through this age which I do not understand.  Help me now and always.  Amen.