“And they took him and threw him out of the vineyard, and killed him” (Matthew 21:39).
Jesus, the One through whom all things have their being, was taken out and killed. The wicked ones want what they can never have. For the time they have on this earth, they pretend it is theirs. Jesus went to the cross willingly, knowing that He was doing what needed to be done. The wicked plot and scheme, but their schemes come to nothing. Do not be led by the wickedness of this age, but by the Creator of all ages.
Lord, You were killed. My sin killed You. But sin has lost its sting, and You have won the victory. We all need Your help to move beyond the way of death to learn how to live life. We do not need to strive to find our way, for You have already given everything needed. We do not need to follow the world, for this world is headed for destruction. Transform our hearts to look to You alone as the Creator of all things.
Lord God Almighty, You knew all of this would happen and You went ahead with Your creation. I do not fully understand, but I am thankful for the salvation You have given me through the crucifixion of my Savior. Help me not to sin. Although He died once for all, I do not want to live by forgiveness alone. Help me to seek Your righteousness all the days You give me. Lead me in the way of everlasting life, dear Lord. Amen.