Devotion for Wednesday, March 12, 2025

“For John came to you in the way of righteousness and you did not believe him; but the tax collectors and prostitutes did believe him; and you, seeing this, did not even have second thoughts afterward so as to believe him” (Matthew 21:32).
Those who believe will not perish. There are people who have gone to church their whole lives, but they do not truly believe. It never has been only about behavior, but many make it about works. Yes, to obey is better than sacrifice, but you first need to believe in the One whom you say is Lord, and both work and obey. To not do this makes what you do in the name of faith nonsense. Sadly, it seems as though there are many hypocrites in our world.
Lord, You have opened for us the way of righteousness. It is not some fancy ritual or elusive path. It is You who leads us in the way and truth of everlasting life. The world looks at the outside, but You look on the inside. The world pushes for us to conform to its ideas, but You call us to conform to You. Those who are more honest about these things know they are searching because they are dissatisfied with how life is being lived.
Lord Jesus, You know that I fight against the demons who plague each of us. You know that I am not comfortable in this world. You know. Lead me on the upward path to live a life that believes all that You have spoken is real and true. Guide me to live into the hope and promise that You give. Through all that comes my way Lord, help me to look to You and actually do what You instruct. Help me overcome my unbelief to live in true faith. Amen.