Devotion for Monday, March 10, 2025

“But what do you think? A man had two sons, and he came to the first and said, ‘Son, go work today in the vineyard.’ But he replied, ‘I do not want to.’ Yet afterward he regretted it and went” (Matthew 21:28).
Each of us has opportunity to live under the authority of the Lord. We either will or we will not. Some do so sooner and others later. Some, no matter what they say, will not at all. The point is that it is better to obey. Will the knowledge of the Lord be the truth by which you live? Later is better than not at all. Do not live by regrets, but let regrets move you from where You are to where you need to be.
Lord, I am often confused, and I am not sure in which direction to turn. Help me to live into the life You have offered me. Lead me to the place where I look to follow You where You lead. Where I have not felt like it, help me to not be governed by my feelings, but led by the truth of Your word. Grant that I would begin to understand Your justice and practice what You teach me.
Thank You Lord Jesus for graciously dealing with all of us. You meet each of us where we are but do not leave us there. Guide me in the light of truth You have revealed to not be guided by my feelings, but by You who is the author and finisher of my faith. Lead me in Your goodness to live out this life of faith which You have given me, doing what You give me to do. Help me on each step of the way and save me from indifference. Amen.