“When He entered the temple area, the chief priests and the elders of the people came to Him while He was teaching, and said, “By what authority are You doing these things, and who gave You this authority?” (Matthew 21:23)
We do not seem to be concerned with this question anymore. “By what authority?” Our culture reinforces that we are an authority unto ourselves. I think this way and so it must be. But Jesus was doing things with power and authority, and they were asking, “by what authority is this done?” The truth is, by the only power there really is, the authority of God. We pretend we have power, but God Almighty has all power and authority.
Lord, teach me what authority means. Help me to respect authority. All authority comes from You. You are the source of all power. Lead me away from this world’s self-centeredness and into the light of truth which is You. Help me to stop questioning truth and to learn how to question all of the lies of this age. Lead me ever more deeply into the truth of who You are and the authority in which You say and do things.
Lord Jesus, You were constantly questioned and confronted. Help me to be unmoving in the questions and confrontations against my faith that happen in this world. Help me to stand firm in faith knowing that all things are truly in Your hands. Guide me, Lord, to live under Your authority. Teach me to respect all authority knowing that it comes from You. Teach me how to live under Your authority. Amen.