“They said to Him, “Lord, we want our eyes to be opened.” Moved with compassion, Jesus touched their eyes; and immediately they regained their sight and followed Him” (Matthew 20:33-34).
Lord, we want to see. The Lord has compassion, and He will open the eyes of those who do not see. It is the same now. Many who see with human eyes only are blind. There are those who are physically blind who see. The Lord has compassion for us and desires that we not perish. He wants us to turn to His salvation, see, and begin the journey of living into eternal life. Come to the Lord and He will give you insight to see things as they are.
Lord, I am blind. I am blind to compassion, mercy, and grace. I am blind to the suffering around me. I shield myself in my little world and seek the things I think will make me happy. Lead me out of living just for this body, which will perish, so that I live for You and live this life unto the eternal life for which You created me. Guide me out of this mess to see things as they are and live the way You created me to live.
Lord Jesus, heal my sight. Seeing, let me see things as You would have me see. Guide me up and out of worldly thinking to come to the place where I have compassion, grace, and mercy for others. Through all that comes my way, guide me to become more and more like You, doing what the Father gives me to do. Give me insight so that I see more clearly and live more faithfully. Amen.