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“And after hearing this, the other ten disciples became indignant with the two brothers.  But Jesus called them to Himself and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles domineer over them, and those in high position exercise authority over them” (Matthew 20:24-25).

This world is filled with those who believe that scrambling to the top (whatever that is) is what makes or breaks a person.  This world is filled with those who seem to do very little that is meaningful.  You have been called by the Lord of all to humbly walk with Him.  The call before you is to go where He leads you and become whom He is making you to be.  Be guided by our Lord and not by the insanity of this world.

Lord, You know the struggle that goes on inside of me.  All around me is the pressure to succeed.  Inside of me is the desire to give up.  The rat race of this world is tiring.  Grant me Your peace and lead me in the way You know I need to go.  Guide me in Your goodness and mercy to humbly walk with You in the way of everlasting life.  Help me now and always to look to You as the only source of life.

Lord Jesus, teach me to be in but not of this world.  Help me to understand that the self-centered way of this world will not be the way of Your Kingdom.  Guide me in the life You have in store for me and help me to keep my eyes upon You always.  You know all that I need.  Grant that I would live in the peace You give and walk in the way You would have me walk.  Let me be one who serves You by serving others.  Amen.


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