PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, March 30, 2025: 4th Sunday in Lent, C
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, March 30, 2025: 4th Sunday in Lent, C
Isaiah 12:1-6 (With joy you will draw from waters of salvation and praise the Lord)
ELW/RCL: Joshua 5:9-12 (After circumcision, Israelites keep first Passover in Promised Land)
Psalm 32 (happy are they whose transgression is forgiven; accept his instruction and live)
2 Corinthians 5:16-21 (God has given us the ministry of reconciliation in Christ)
Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 (Parable of the Prodigal Son)
Opening Hymn: Evening and Morning: LBW #465, ELW #761, LSB #726
Hymn of the Day: Our Father, We Have Wandered: WOV #733, ELW #606
OR One There Is, Above All Others: LBW #298
OR As Rebels, Lord, Who Foolishly Have Wandered: LSB #612 (I don’t know the tune, but it
looks easy, and the words are a wonderful meditation on the parable. Try it!)
Communion Hymn #1: Amazing Grace: LBW #448, ELW #779, LSB #744
Communion Hymn #2: Soul Adorn Yourself with Gladness: LBW #224, ELW #488 (Bach chorale),
ELW #489 (Hispanic melody; Spanish words available)
OR Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling: ELW #608
Closing Hymn: All Depends on Our Possessing: LBW #447, ELW #589, LSB #732
OR What Wondrous Love Is This: LBW #385, ELW #666, LSB #543
For the Church, the world, and our poor sinful selves, let us pray to our Lord, who is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.
A brief silence
Dearest Father, thank you for forgiving, welcoming, and restoring us, even when we squander your gifts and turn away from you! Thank you for your Holy Spirit, who brings us “to our right minds” and helps us repent. Thank you for your Son, who guides us to your embrace. He gives his Body and Blood as your homecoming feast. He clothes us with his own righteousness. He places the signet-ring of his Sonship upon our hand. We give you thanks, Father, not as we ought, but as we are able.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Make your Church faithful in proclaiming both your Law and Gospel. Make it lovely with holiness, gentle in rebuke, warmhearted in reconciliation, and generous in welcoming all whom you have led to repent.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Help this congregation to pray for, seek out, and forgive those who have wronged us. Give us patience, graciousness, and humility. Make this a place where those who are estranged from us, and from you, may return and be reconciled.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for families torn apart by sin, squabbling, and selfishness. Heal them, and return each person “to their right minds.” Deliver them from the pigsty of foolish pride and the far country of hostility. Take away whatever resentment and hurt stands in the way of healing and reunion.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Forgive those who, though entrusted with authority, power, and influence, have squandered these gifts, and used them foolishly. Give wisdom, integrity, and prudence to our elected and appointed leaders; to those in the military and first responders; and to those entrusted with educating our children or caring for the vulnerable. And teach us to live at peace with one another, despite our differences!
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Bring healing and hope to all who suffer, including: {List}. Bring them back from the far country of pain, sorrow, or despair. Restore them to fellowship with all who love them, and increase their trust in you.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Father, you’ve welcomed so many prodigals into your Kingdom already, including many whom we have loved in this life! Thank you. Keep our eyes fixed on the road home to you. Deliver us from the pig-sty of stubborn pride. Soften our hearts to help fellow prodigals along the way. Lavish your Holy Spirit upon us, so we’re constantly trying to live in faith toward you and in fervent love for one another. And, at the last, welcome us to the homecoming feast you have prepared for us, Jesus’ wayward sisters and brothers. We yearn for your prodigal love to embrace us forever.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Hear us, dear Lord; and answer our prayers according to your will, to your glory and for the benefit of the people you long to save.