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“For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard.  When he had agreed with the laborers for a denarius for the day, he sent them into his vineyard” (Matthew 20:1-2).

Will you come in and work in the vineyard?  We each have the invitation to come into God’s reign and live and work there.  Many do not want to work.  Some do not want what God offers.  The wage is eternal life.  Eternal life with the Lord.  We all have the invitation to come and work in the Lord’s kingdom.  We know what we are given in exchange.  Will you live the life to which you have been invited?

Lord, You know my heart and there are those times when I grumble and do not understand that You have invited me out of the way of this world and into the way of everlasting life.  Lead my heart, O Lord, so that I willingly enter the work of the kingdom.  We are all paid the same, so let me not worry about that.  We each will have different jobs, so let me not grumble about that.

Holy Spirit, keep my mind in check and help me to have a pure and clean heart.  That is, a mind that sees things as they are and rejoices that Your work is being done in me.  May I learn from You to be grateful for Your kingdom having come to me so that I share Your kingdom with others.  Lead me, Lord, in the way You know I need to go today and help me to be a willing worker in the Father’s vineyard.  Amen.


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