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“And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or farms on account of my name, will receive many times as much, and will inherit eternal life.  But many who are first will be last; and the last, first” (Matthew 19:29-30).

We need to get it out of our heads that this is a territorial answer.  Everything belongs to the Lord.  If we begin to see this relationally, we see that our Lord is telling us that we are a part of His kingdom when we walk in His grace.  We each have our unique part.  Be led by faith in what the Lord is doing and not by seeing things the way this world is doing things.  Our Lord’s kingdom is forever, good, pure, and true.

Lord, help me to get beyond myself and see things through Your eyes.  I am barely able to begin to comprehend what You are creating, but I see a reflection of it with each faithful person who lives by faith in this world.  Guide me out of wrong thinking to trust You above all things.  You are creating what You are creating, and You have invited me to be with You forever.  Let that guide me in all that I do.

Lead me, Holy Spirit, into the kind of thinking that is fitting for the Kingdom of Heaven.  You know the things that are getting in the way of me thinking with purity.  Guide me in the upward call of faith so that I focus upon what You would have me focus upon and leave behind what needs to be left behind.  Through all things, teach me how to love as You love so that I may focus upon loving my neighbor.  Amen.


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