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“When the disciples heard this, they were very astonished and said, “Then who can be saved?”  And looking at them, Jesus said to them, “With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:25-26).

Listen carefully to the truth of Jesus.  Many seem to act as though they have their part in the actual salvation which God alone accomplishes.  We have our part in the relationship the Lord establishes, but we can do nothing without God’s doing it for us.  Our Lord is the One who saves us.  Yes, work as though it depended upon you, but never forget who is the One who is saving you.

Lord, You know how much pride has taken root in this generation.  We were not created to be separate from You, but because of sin, we are.  Help me to see that I am not independent, but completely dependent upon You for all things.  Lead me in the way of seeing and living life so that I know that with You, all things truly are possible, and that begins with Your saving me.

Lord Jesus, thank You for these simple words of truth.  I too have been lost in the game of thinking I have to do this on my own.  Help me to not think of myself as a free agent but live in the reality that only in You can I walk this life of faith.  You have redeemed me, and You alone know all that I need to continue walking in the faith that You have given me.  Guide me  ever deeper into You.  Amen.


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