“The disciples said to Him, “If the relationship of the man with his wife is like this, it is better not to marry.” But He said to them, “Not all men can accept this statement, but only those to whom it has been given” (Matthew 19:10-11).
There is a difference between living with what we think is right and the reality in which we find ourselves. We can go to the place where we make such sweeping statements. Notice what the Lord says. He is filled with compassion for our sinful state. Do not make broad declarations which apply to only a few. Our Lord will take us from where we are and move us to where we need to be.
Lord, You have given us the gift of marriage. Beyond the reality of bringing forth the generations, there are many things we learn through marriage which teach us how it was meant to be from the beginning. Lead me, Lord, so that I do not just think of myself, but others, and willingly see them through Your eyes. Through faith, help me live the message You have given me that they may come to know You.
Lord Jesus, all things have been put into place for Your own purposes. I only know in part. Help me to live the portion You have shown me. In this world filled with broken people, guide me to live graciously with kindness and mercy. Except for Your grace, I would be like the worst of them. Continue to be the One Who leads me in all circumstances and guides me to be compassionate and loving. Amen.