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Scripture: Luke 5:1-11


Pastor: Good morning boys and girls! Welcome! Let’s say good morning to our friend Sammy. Ready? One, two, three: Good morning, Sammy!

Sammy: Good morning, everyone! Pastor, what does Jesus mean when he tells Simon, James, and John that they will be catching people?


Pastor: Jesus is teaching these men that they are going to go out into the world and make disciples of all nations.


Sammy: That’s a really big job. I thought these guys were just fisherman.


Pastor: Yes, they were. But remember Jesus transforms the hearts and minds of all who believe in him and have faith. He can use us to further his kingdom no matter what job we have.


Sammy: So you are telling us that even I, as a little lamb, matter to Jesus? And all of the children here? They matter to Jesus?


Pastor: Each one of us, especially the littlest ones, matter to Jesus. He calls each of us to follow him, and we have to decide whether or not we will listen.


Sammy: Pastor, I love how Simon, James, and John leave everything and follow Jesus. I wish I would be better at following my mama when she calls me. I do get distracted sometimes, or sometimes I don’t want to follow her. I want to go my own way instead.


Pastor: Sometimes following Jesus is difficult, and sometimes following him takes a lot of sacrifice for believers. A lot of people have to give up something—sometimes something little, like a bad habit, or sometimes something big, like some of their friends or family members.


Sammy: That must be really hard for them. You know, Pastor, even when I want to go my own way, Jesus always comes back for me. He is the Good Shepherd. I just have to listen for his voice.


Pastor: And Sammy, I want you to know that even though following Jesus can be hard sometimes, doing something hard doesn’t mean that it’s a bad thing. Boys and girls, can you think of a time when you had to do something hard in your life?


[Allow time for responses]


Pastor: Thank you all for sharing your examples with us. Let’s fold our hands and bow our heads in prayer. Dear Jesus, thank you for helping us to drop everything to follow you. Help us to listen for your call. Help us to know that even though we are small, we are still important in your kingdom. We love you. Amen.


Sammy: Bye, everyone!


Pastor: Bye, Sammy!

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