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“Some Pharisees came to Jesus, testing Him and asking, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any reason at all?” (Matthew 19:3)

How often is the Lord put to the test?  With unbelief, we sometimes do not understand the very simple truth that with God, all things are possible.  The Lord has given us His commandments and He has told us the order of His creation.  When it doesn’t please us, we look for excuses to be rid of what hinders us.  Is it lawful?  That is the wrong question.  Lord, what would you have me do?  That is the question we should ask.

Lord, You know that I sometimes look for a way out of a situation.  I want to know what I can do to rid myself of a difficulty.  Help me to shift my thinking so that I am looking to You as the One who guides me.  Even when I do not understand, help me to not rely upon my own power or thinking, but come to the place where I am willing to do things the way You direct me to do them.  Teach me how to be guided by You in all things.

Lord Jesus, keep me from putting You to the test.  Help me not go to the place where I am looking for a legal way out.  Instead, guide me ever deeper in living the righteousness that You give.  You know the person You are making of me.  Help me to not be a hindrance to what You are doing, but in every circumstance, grant that I would be a willing participant of Your leading and guidance.  Amen.

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