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“When Jesus had finished these words, He left Galilee and came into the region of Judea beyond the Jordan; and large crowds followed Him, and He healed them there” (Matthew 19:1-2).

Crowds were always following Jesus, but we are invited not to just be a part of a crowd looking for something, but in fellowship with Him.  If we will walk as His disciples, we will learn from Him how life was created to be lived.  Jesus does heal us, but it is not just for this life.  He calls for us to seek the greater life that He gives which leads to life eternal.  Do not be content with just being a part of the crowd but seek His righteousness.

Lord, I am often lost in my own world where I am content with just enough.  Let me never be content in this world but press on in faith to seek Your righteousness.  Guide me in Your goodness and mercy to understand that in You alone is there new life which leads to life eternal.  Help me to take the extra steps each day, doing what You give me to do, listening and obeying as Your Holy Spirit guides me.

Lead me, Lord Jesus, out of the rush of the crowds of this age to abide with You, wherever You may lead and walk in Your counsel.  You know all that I need.  You know the direction I need to go.  Help me to not settle for worldly ways, but continue on the path You have set before me as I become more and more what You are making of me.  Thank You Lord for reaching out and taking my hand.  May I always hold onto You as You lead me.  Amen.  

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