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“And his master, moved with anger, handed him over to the torturers until he would repay all that was owed him.  My heavenly Father will also do the same to you, if each of you does not forgive his brother from your heart.” (Matthew 18:34-35)

True judgement includes true justice.  Heaven will not allow wickedness through its doors.  Relationship is what we are called into.  Relationship is what the Lord is teaching us to have.  We do not trample over each other as those in the world do but work together side by side for the sake of the kingdom.  Do not let wickedness reside in your heart but learn how to forgive others as you have been forgiven.

Lord, this is often a difficult thing to do.  There are those who have hurt me deeply.  I do understand that when I harbor resentment at the hurt imposed by another, I allow them to continue to hurt me, and my effort to forgive often fails.  Guide me out of the pit so that I learn for my sake how to be truly forgiving.  Lead me up and out of the way of this world so that I see in others a glimpse of You.

Lord Jesus, I know everyone around me is a precious one for whom You died.  You love each one of us.  When I reach the end of myself and cannot forgive, come and lead me on to forgive others through faith in You.  Take me through the obstacles that get in the way and never let me stop searching the Father’s will for my life.  Through Your Holy Spirit, take me through the barrier of an unforgiving attitude so that I may forgive others as I have been forgiven.  Amen.

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