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Luke 3:15-17, 21-22



Pastor: Good morning boys and girls! Welcome! Let’s say good morning to our friend Sammy. Ready? One, two, three: Good morning, Sammy!

Sammy: Good morning everyone! Pastor, the Gospel from Luke today talked about a winnowing fork and a granary. I know what those are, and I can tell the boys and girls.

Pastor: That would be great, Sammy. I am sure you know all about winnowing forks and granary because you live on a farm.

Sammy: That’s right!

Pastor: Let’s start with winnowing fork. What is that?

Sammy: A winnowing fork is a tool that farmers use to separate the grain of wheat from the chaff.

Pastor: What do you mean?

Sammy: Well, when farmers harvest wheat, they keep the grain of the wheat and turn that into bread, rolls, cake, cookies, pie…

Pastor: Okay, Sammy. We get the idea. We can use the grain of wheat to make lots of yummy baked goods. But what about the chaff?

Sammy: Well, the winnowing fork allows the chaff to blow away in the wind. That’s what farmers want because people do not eat the chaff.

Pastor: Sammy, would you like to also tell us about a granary?

Sammy: Yes! So after the farmers separate the wheat from the chaff, they collect all of the wheat and store it in a granary. It’s basically a big room just for the grain of the wheat. And when they need to sell or use the wheat, they can take what they need from the granary.

Pastor: Sammy, you did a great job of explaining these farming tools and techniques to the boys and girls.

Sammy: Thank you, Pastor.

Pastor: Boys and girls, when we are baptized, we become a part of God’s family. Jesus invites us into his family, and we are sealed by the Holy Spirit when we are baptized. In the Gospel today, John talks about how Jesus knows who belongs to him and who is a part of his family. He keeps us, his children, in his granary forever. We are so loved by God, and he wants us to be a part of his kingdom.

Sammy: That’s a great comparison, Pastor!

Pastor: John did a great job of sharing the message of Jesus and preparing the people to hear the Gospel.

Sammy: Yes he did. Boys and girls, would you please fold your hands and bow your heads in prayer with me? Dear Jesus, thank you for baptism. Thank you for inviting us into your granary and for including us in the promise of your coming kingdom. We love you. Amen. Bye everyone!

Pastor: Bye, Sammy!

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