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“They began to discuss this among themselves, saying, “He said that because we did not bring any bread.”  But Jesus, aware of this, said, “You men of little faith, why are you discussing among yourselves the fact that you have no bread?”  (Matthew 16:7-8)

Our earthly thinking often will not take us to what our Lord is saying.  We often think in physical earthly ways.  Don’t pay attention to the propaganda that is all around us.  Even deeply religious people are filled with it.  Do not focus upon your belly, but upon the life our Lord gives you.  He will make you pure even as He is pure.  He will raise your faith to be in Him above all things. Lord, increase our faith!

Lord, You know where I am and how I think.  You know those things which enter my mind and influence the decisions I make.  Guide me out of the morass of worldliness to be willing to listen to Your word above all the other words that fly around me.  You are truth and You have given me the words of eternal life.  Continue to lift me up so that I may be guided by Your word always.

Word of God made flesh, You know that I need saving.  I often do not know how to think.  You have lifted me up into the hope of eternal life.  Help me to move beyond what my heart feels to live into the hope You have given me.  In all things that come my way, help me to understand Your word more fully and then apply Your word in my life.  Lead me to follow You in and for all things, for You alone are my Savior.  Amen.


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