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“And in the morning, ‘There will be a storm today, for the sky is red and threatening.’ You know how to discern the appearance of the sky, but are you unable to discern the signs of the times?  An evil and adulterous generation wants a sign; and so a sign will not be given to it, except the sign of Jonah.” And He left them and went away” (Matthew 16:3-4).

We know of the earthly signs that tell us the conditions of the weather.  We act and react accordingly.  Jesus gave the powerful sign of Jonah by being dead and on the third day, rising again.  That is the sign.  If people will not respond to that, they will not respond to the Lord.  Jesus took on a human life and died to give us His life so that we can live.  He leaves those behind who do not follow Him.

Will you follow Jesus as He takes you away from the way of this world to learn how to live in the way of eternity?  Jesus forces none but offers to everyone the way of salvation.  Many get stuck in the way they think and do things the way they believe they ought to do them.  We do not know how to think clearly, which is why Jesus needed to come to save us.  Follow the Lord and live.

Lord Jesus, I am more like the Pharisees than I want to admit.  Sometimes I am a Sadducee and do not believe there is life eternal.  Move me farther and farther away from this limited sinful thinking to realize and know that You are the One through whom all things have their being.  Guide me through all the pitfalls of this life to see the signs that You have given me by Your word.  Guide me in the faith You have given me.  Amen.

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