January 5, 2025: 2nd Sunday of Christmas 2 OR Epiphany, Transferred

January 5, 2025: 2nd Sunday of Christmas 2 OR Epiphany, Transferred

Christmas 2 Lessons and Hymns:


1 Kings 3:4-15: (God grants Solomon’s request for wisdom)

                RCL/ELW: Jeremiah 31:7-14: (God will ransom his people, lead them like a shepherd)

Psalm 119:97-104: (You have made me wiser than my enemies because I meditate on your law)

                RCL/ELW: Psalm 147: 12-20: Praise for God feeding, protecting, blessing his people)

Ephesians 1: 3-14: (God makes us holy, blameless in Christ, adopts us as children)

Luke 2:40-52: (the boy Jesus with the elders in the Temple)

                RCL/ELW: John 1:1-18: In the beginning was the Word, full of grace and truth!


Opening Hymn: Come Rejoicing, Praises Voicing (A lovely, simple Bohemian carol): LBW #66

OR Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty: LBW #250, ELW #533, LSB #901

Hymn of Praise: Joy to the World: LBW #39, ELW #267, LSB #387

Hymn of the Day: All Hail To You, O Blessed Morn: LBW #73

OR Of the Father’s Love Begotten: LBW #42, ELW #295, LSB #384

Communion Hymn #1: Children of the Heavenly Father: LBW #474, ELW #781, LSB #725

Communion Hymn #2: Go Tell It On the Mountain: LBW #70, ELW #290, ELW #388

Closing Hymn: The Bells of Christmas: LBW #62, ELW #298


The Epiphany of Our Lord lessons and texts (transferred or on the day!)

Isaiah 60:1-6: (Arise, shine, your Light has come; kings shall bring riches)

Psalm 72:1-11(12-15): (Give the king justice, O God, let kings from far away bring tribute)

Ephesians 3:1-12 (Paul is an apostle to the Gentiles, who are granted fullness of salvation

through Christ)

Matthew 2:1-12: (The wise men come to worship Jesus, return home by another way)



Opening Hymn: As With Gladness Men of Old: LBW #82, ELW #302, LSB #397

Hymn of the Day: O Chief of Cities, Bethlehem (a nice English folk tune. And the words really shouldn’t be missed. Still you can use tune for “From Heaven Above to Earth I Come”): LBW #81

OR Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies: LBW #265, ELW #553, LSB #873

OR The Star Proclaims the King is Here, LSB #399, v. 1, 2, 5

Communion Hymn #1: We Three Kings of Orient Are: WOV #646

OR Light Shone in Darkness: ELW #307

Communion Hymn #2: Bright and Glorious is the Sky:  LBW #75, ELW #301

Closing Hymn: Brightest and Best of the Stars of the Morning: LBW #84, ELW #303, LSB #400



With joy and gratitude for the gift of Jesus, let us draw near to our heavenly Father in prayer, asking his mercy for the Church, the world, and all who need his loving-kindness.

A brief silence

Holy God, thank you for Jesus. He shares our life, and shares your life with us. He grew in wisdom and understanding, and gives us the Holy Spirit so we can, too. He takes our sin, and gives us his pure, holy grace and love. He is your unfailing Light in the darkest days and places we endure. Thank you.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Your Son adorned the earthly Temple with his presence as a baby and as a growing lad. He is your Holy of Holies in our midst. Make your Church a Temple fit for his habitation. Grant that it may adorn his dear presence with faithful words, heartfelt worship, and deeds of love and mercy. May it draw all people to Jesus’ feet, there to learn from him the Good News of our salvation.

Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.


Grant to your persecuted servants your imperishable inheritance of grace, faithfulness, and endurance.  Make us generous in aiding, defending, and praying for them. Turn the hearts of their adversaries away from sin and hatred, and toward you in repentance and faith.

Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.


Bless this congregation, so that people gladly come here to encounter you in Word and Sacrament, in fellowship, learning, and service. Make us wise in the ways of charity and faithfulness, so that all may find your precepts to be sweeter than honey.

Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.


We pray your favor upon this new year; upon our hopes for a better future; and upon all who find no release from the sorrows and cares of the previous years. Give us wisdom and strength to seek your will for our common good. Draw us toward that eternal New Year that you alone shall bring.

Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.


Solomon prayed for wisdom to lead your people according to your precepts. The wise men heeded your guiding and warning words. The prophets attended to your wisdom and counsel. Give that wisdom to all of our earthly rulers. Fill them with deep love for justice, mercy, wisdom, and integrity. Let all people live free from the consequences of malice, stupidity, and calamity. Crown not just this new year, but all of our years, with the blessings of your peace.

Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.


These are perilous times, dear Lord! Guide, strengthen and protect our military and first responders. May they accomplish all that is in accordance with your will. Return them swiftly to their loved ones. Bring them healing, hope, and renewed opportunities to serve you in the world.

Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Be the light and salvation of everyone who calls on you in times of trouble. We plead especially for: {List}. Grant them health, wholeness, and hope. Ease the burdens and bless the labors of all who care for them. Refresh their spirits, and bind us all together in cords of mutual care and compassion.

Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.


The generations rise and fall and pass before you, O Lord. We entrust our beloved dead into your merciful care. Comfort those who grieve, and whose hope falters. Give us eyes to see the suffering around us; lips to pray and encourage; hands to extend in blessing; and hearts to beat with compassion and forgiveness. Grant to all whom you have redeemed through your dear Son, a portion in the imperishable inheritance you have prepared for them. Bring us into your Kingdom, where you reign in unity with your Son and the Holy Spirit, God forever.

Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.


Thank you for hearing our prayers, dear Lord. We entrust them, and our lives, into your merciful care. Amen.



PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH: December 29, 2024: First Sunday After Christmas

PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH: December 29, 2024: First Sunday After Christmas


Exodus 13:1-3a, 11-15:(Consecrate your firstborn males: I freed you from slavery by killing Egyptian firstborn)

RCL/ELW: 1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26 (The child Samuel ministers at Shiloh)

Psalm 111: (Great are God’s works; the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom)

Colossians 3:12-17: (Clothe selves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience,

forgiveness, love. Let peace of Christ rule in your hearts, and his word dwell in you richly)

Luke 2:22-40: (In Temple, Simeon and Anna glorify God for Jesus, the fulfillment of his promises)

                RCL/ELW: Luke 2:41-52: (the boy Jesus with the elders in the Temple)


Opening Hymn: Let Our Gladness Have No End: LBW #57, ELW #291, LSB #381

OR Let All Together Praise Our God: LBW #47, v. 1-4; ELW #287, v. 1-4; LSB #389, v. 1-4

Hymn of Praise: Hark, the Herald Angels Sing: LBW #60, ELW #270, LSB #380

Hymn of the Day: Speak, O Lord, Your Servant Listens: LSB #589 (Outstanding words. Fits Samuel, either Gospel text)

                OR Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus (Good for Simeon/ Anna): LBW#30, ELW #254, LSB#338

Communion Hymn #1: O Little Town of Bethlehem: LBW #41, ELW #279, LSB #361

Communion Hymn #2: The First Noel: LBW #56, ELW #300

Closing Hymn: Let All Together Praise Our God: LBW #47, v. 5-7; ELW #287, v. 5-6; LSB #389, v. 5-7

OR O Lord, Now Let Your Servant: LBW #339, ELW #313

OR my paraphrase of the Nunc Dimittus, “Lord, Let Your Servant Go in Peace.”

Use tune for “From Heaven Above to Earth I Come” or “The Bells of Christmas.”


Lord, let your servant go in peace; your faithful Word you have fulfilled.

This Word made flesh I now embrace: the sure salvation you have willed.


With my own eyes I see the lamp of glory given to Israel,

The Light to nations lost, the peace that makes your wounded people well.


Glory and praise, blest Trinity, dear Father, Holy Spirit, Son!

Your light no darkness overtakes while endless ages ever run.


With joy and gratitude for the gift of Jesus, let us draw near to our heavenly Father in prayer, asking his mercy for the Church, the world, and all who need his loving-kindness.

A brief silence

Dear Father, thank you for Jesus. Though your eternal Son, he is also our brother – “flesh of our flesh and bone of our bone.” Thank you for allowing him to share with us every stage of growth, life, and death. Thank you for revealing who Jesus is, and why you sent him. Turn our hearts, eyes, and lives toward Christ, our eternal Dayspring and our heart’s delight.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Make your Church into the true Temple of Jesus. Let it always reveal him as your light and glory for all people. Enthrone him in the Church as your Word, wisdom, and salvation for the world. Unite your persecuted servants to him, so they may confound their tormentors’ scorn and call them to repentance.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Grant safe passage to all who travel in this joyous season. Give endurance, patience, and a sense of humor to clerks, cashiers, waitstaff, delivery truck drivers, and everyone else who labors at this hectic time. Thank you for co-workers of different faiths who willingly “cover” for Christians during these holy days. Help us to graciously reciprocate, even before we are asked.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We lift up before you, dear Lord, the many people and committees of our congregation. Keep our focus on loving you, caring for one another, and sharing the Gospel with those who do not yet know Jesus.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Our Christmas cards and carols often speak of peace and goodwill. Yet we see anger, suspicion, discord, and hatred all around us. Gracious God, we implore you to touch every life with your peace, forgiveness, and love. Clothe each of us with the festive garments of goodwill, charity, and generosity.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Bring “tidings of comfort and joy” to everyone burdened by suffering, sin, and sorrow, especially those we name before you: {List}. Gladden the hearts of their loved ones, and give compassion and wisdom to all who care for them.

Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.


Thank you, dear Father, for the salvation you have granted to all who have died trusting in you. Ease the grief of those who mourn in this season of joy. Lead us into the New Year and into your eternal Kingdom, with the light of Christ around us; with his peace ruling our hearts; and with his word dwelling in us richly. Gather us, with everyone whom you have redeemed through the merits of your dear Son, at your festal Table. There, in the power of the Holy Spirit, we shall joyfully praise and worship you, forever and ever and unto the ages of ages.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Thank you for hearing our prayers, dear Lord. We entrust them, and our lives, into your merciful care. Amen.


PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH: December 24, 2021: Christmas Eve and December 25, Christmas Day

PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH: December 24, 2021: Christmas Eve and December 25, Christmas Day




Isaiah 9:2-7: (The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; for to us a child is born; his name is Wonderful Counsellor…)


Psalm 96:(The Lord is king; he will judge world with righteousness and the people with his truth)


Titus 2:11-14: (We wait for the blessed hope, glorious manifestation of our God and Savior: Jesus. He gave himself for us, redeems us, purifies for himself a people zealous for good deeds)


 Luke 2:1-20: (The Nativity of Jesus Christ)




Isaiah 52:7-10: (How beautiful are the feet of the messenger who announces peace, brings good news, announces salvation, and who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.”)


Psalm 2: (“You are my son; today I have begotten you. Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession.)


                RCL/ELW: Psalm 98 (Sing praise to the Lord, who comes to judge with righteousness!)


Hebrews 1:1-12: (In many and various ways, God spoke to his people of old by the prophets; but

now in these last days, he has spoken to us by his Son.)


John 1:1-18: (In the beginning was the Word; the Word became flesh and dwelt among us; we

have beheld his glory, full of grace and truth…)



If you have a good cantor, you may want to try my Deacon’s Prayer, set to “God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen.” Note: Take it at a nice walking pace. I wrote each intercessory phrase so that each syllable is tied to exactly one note. That makes it easy to chant! I’ve tried to indicate, with dashes, the words in the response/refrain, sung by the congregation, that contain syllables sung on multiple notes. You could even as cantor introduce the whole thing by singing the response yourself, before launching into each petition/verse.



In peace, together let us pray unto the Lord most high,

That he might give us heav’nly peace, and save us ere we die.

For peace throughout the world; the church’s health; and unity:

Refrain: O– Lord, God, have mer–cy on us, mercy on us;

O– Jesus Christ, have mer–cy on us.


For this, the holy house of God, we offer up our prayer,

For all who praise and worship him, both here and ev‘rywhere,

That through his Word and Sacraments, his Presence we might share:



For bishops, pastors, people, all the servants of God’s Word,

For those who toil and those who sing, their hearts of one accord;

For those who offer gifts and praise, we pray unto the Lord:



For public servants, government, that they be just and wise;

For all protectors of our nation and communities;

For peace and justice, health and safety, Father, hear our pleas:



For kindly weather, fruitful harvest, peaceful times, we pray;

Deliverance from evil, wrath, and danger ev’ry day;

For this, and for your sure defense and comfort, Lord, we pray:



In gratitude for saints of God who from their labors rest;

In fellowship with them, let us commend our lives to Christ,

Forever worship him, his Father, and the Spirit Blest:

Alleluia, alle—lu–ia, alleluia!

Allelu–ia, O God– most— high!




With joy and gratitude for the gift of Jesus, let us draw near to our heavenly Father in prayer, asking his mercy for the Church, the world, and all who need his loving-kindness.

A brief silence

Dear Father, thank you for giving us your Son. In Him we are bold to call you Abba, Father! Thank you for being God-with-us. Thank you for fleshing out your love, forgiveness, and peace, in a way we can approach, touch, and believe in our trembling and death-shadowed hearts. Thank you for bringing us the light of eternity in this Babe of Bethlehem, Mary’s boy, your Son, and our Savior.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Bless your Church throughout the world. Make it a place where all may hear the angel’s song and hasten to adore Jesus, their Lord and Savior. Shelter your persecuted Church in your arms, so they may gather to worship in peace and rise to serve you in joy.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Bless our guests and visitors, especially those whose faith wavers and whose hearts are heavy. Give them a glimpse of the joys you have prepared for all who love you.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Bless this congregation – its people and programs, its worship and service. Grace all we do with your strong saving love. Help us to freely share Jesus, today and always, with those who do not know him and with all who need him most.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Bless our country, this world, and all its people and creatures, with peace and good will; with health and safety; with kindness and justice; with food for body and soul; and with love for you and one another.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Bless everyone for whom this season of joy is dimmed by sorrow, pain, loneliness, and everything else that is inflicted by evil’s power working through human hands or natural disaster. Come with healing in your wings; with tidings of great joy; and with light and life for all.

Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.


Bless all who mourn with the certainty that you have opened heaven’s doors to all who have died trusting in your promises. Bless us each day of our earthly pilgrimage with peace and mercy, reconciliation and joy. Add lead us, at length, we pray, to your bright courts of heaven, and to your endless day.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Thank you for hearing our prayers, dear Lord. We entrust them, and our lives, into your merciful care. Amen.




Devotion for Saturday, December 7, 2024

“And He directed the people to sit down on the ground; and He took the seven loaves and the fish; and after giving thanks, He broke them and started giving them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds” (Matthew 15:35-36).

Our Lord is a Lord of order.  In this world, when free things are handed out there is often a mob.  Jesus has us sit down and be orderly.  Sin confuses, and righteousness calms and clarifies.  With thanksgiving, what is needed is provided.  Why do you worry?  Why are you anxious?  Does God not know what we need?  Will He not provide all that is needed?  Yes!  With good order, mercy, plenty of grace, and love, our Lord provides.

Lord, many fall into a way of acting such that they become excited, push their way in, and want to be first.  You teach us to sit down with You and to be anxious for nothing.  Lead us, Lord, in the way You know we need to go.  Grant understanding so that we see things simply and the way they truly are.  When You do something, help us to accept the order of how You do things.  Guide us  in the way You know we need to move.

Lord Jesus, You do so many things at the same time.  I look at the miracle, but often forget the lessons You are teaching.  Help me to come fully into Your will so that I do all that You command.  Guide me today in the upward way and lead me to be patient and kind with all others.  You are first, and I will be where You place me.  Like the disciples, teach me to walk amongst the crowd doing what You direct me to do.  Amen.