Devotion for Sunday, December 1, 2024

“But she came and began to bow down before Him, saying, “Lord, help me!”  Yet He answered and said, “It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs” (Matthew 15:25-26).

Our Lord knows everything.  He is not being rude, but He knows what it will take to get her to come out of herself and live by faith.  Sometimes He will do that with us.  He is always gracious and always kind.  What our Lord does for us is to call us out of ourselves and into faith.  The Lord is serious about making us into children of God.  He will do what it takes to lead us in the way of truth.

Lord, I often do not like it when You do something that challenges me.  Help me to move beyond myself and get to the place where I willingly do as You command.  Unlike the world, You are trustworthy.  You will lead me in the way I need to go.  I may not like it at first, but it will be what is needed.  Guide me always that I may live in the hope You give me through faith in You.

Holy Spirit, when I am resisting, help me to see that I am seeking my will above Your will.  Where I am offended, help me to understand the difference between my own indignation and the place where, when offended by others, tolerance is called for.  In all things, teach me to be gracious and kind, seeking what is right no matter how I feel about any situation.  Lead me to live a life of righteousness.  Amen.

Children’s Sermon December 1st, 2024/ Advent 1/ Lectionary Year C


Luke 21:25-36


Pastor: Good Morning Everyone! Let’s say good morning to our friend

Sammy and see if she is there. 1, 2, 3 GOOD MORNING SAMMY!

Sammy: (Tired) Good morning everyone. Yawns

Pastor: Why are you so tired?

Sammy: I’ve been up ALL day and night looking up at the sun, moon, and stars looking for something.

Pastor: Boys and girls what are some things we can find in the sky? Wait for answers.

Sammy: Those are all great answers. But I wasn’t looking for those things Pastor.

Pastor: What were you looking for then Sammy?

Sammy: Pastor, you haven’t been listening to Jesus have you? Jesus said he’d be coming in a cloud and we should look for signs in the sun, moon, and stars to see when he is coming back. So, I’ve been looking, but I haven’t seen him yet? I don’t even know what to look for.

Pastor: Well Sammy you might be waiting for a long time.  

Sammy: But Jesus says he’s coming back soon.

Pastor: Yes, he does Sammy. But all times are soon to Jesus. He is God. He lives forever. So, time does not really apply to him.

Sammy: I cannot look up at the sky forever pastor. I have important things to do.

Pastor: Yes, we all do. Jesus tells us to be alert and prepare for his coming. But he also tells us not be anxious about it. Remember he is doing the work of coming back not us. So we don’t have to worry about it.

Sammy: What do I do while I am waiting then?

Pastor: Jesus says, love the Lord your God, and love your neighbor as yourself. We can focus on that while we wait.

Sammy: Thank you, pastor. I will.

Pastor: Can we fold our hands and bow our heads in prayer? Dear Jesus, thank you coming to be with us. Thank for teaching us to love. Thank you for rescuing us. We love you. Amen.

Sammy: Bye everyone!

Pastor: Bye, Sammy!