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“You hypocrites, rightly did Isaiah prophesy about you, by saying: ‘This people honors Me with their lips, But their heart is far away from Me.  And in vain do they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men’” (Matthew 15:7-9).

Our hearts are focused upon our own desires.  We want what we want.  The truth is, in our sinfulness, we do not know what it is that we truly want.  We create doctrines to elevate the self, rather than the truth.  Receive with humility the truth that Jesus alone is Lord of lords.  We have before us true life and that life is following the Lord wherever He may lead us.  Take up your cross and follow Jesus.

Lord, I like the idea of salvation, but I do not like the reality of it.  You have redeemed me and placed me on the path of following You in this world of suffering.  Guide me to live according to the faith that You called me to, so that I may not play the games this world has invented, but live into the life You give.  You have called me to become like You.  Only You know what that really means.

Lord Jesus, in the example You have given me and with the words You have spoken, guide me this day to live truthfully.  Help me see where I play games with You and others.  By Your Holy Spirit, guide me in my thoughts, words, and deeds to live according to Your commandments.  Lead me to know that in You alone is there hope for life, meaning, and life eternal.  Amen.

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