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“And He answered and said to them, “Why do you yourselves also break the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?  For God said, ‘Honor your father and mother,’ and, ‘The one who speaks evil of father or mother is to be put to death’” (Matthew 15:3-4).

God is above all.  We should not do what we do according to our own understanding but live according to the word God speaks.  He means for us to live in the order He has created, doing what is pleasing in His sight.  We often make excuses and do things as we understand them rather than do what is pleasing in the Lord’s sight.  God has commanded us to honor and respect our parents and all those who are in authority.

Lord, I do make my excuses and do not do what is pleasing to You.  I do have attitudes and excuse them according to my understanding of things.  Guide me away from such sinful interpretations so that I may learn Your will and do what is pleasing in Your sight.  Help me not just to obey Your commandments, but to have them dwell in my heart and guide me in the way of all goodness.

Lord Jesus, I need the grace and mercy You give for the many times when I do not obey what is pleasing to You.  Help me to overcome my selfish attitude and the excuses I make so that I may obey Your commandments.  Guide me to humbly abide with You now and forever as You teach me how to live the life of faith which You have given me.  Lift me up and lead me for Your sake.  Amen.

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