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“When they got into the boat, the wind stopped.  And those who were in the boat worshiped Him, saying, “You are truly God’s Son!” (Matthew 14:32-33)

We see something miraculous and then, in ordinary time, go back to being unbelieving.  Such belief is conditional.  Our Lord is leading us to have unconditional faith, trusting in Him above all things.  He is the absolute Lord of all.  With Him, all things are possible.  Apart from Him, nothing is possible.  Do not try to lead yourself and seek to do what you will.  Look to the One who calls you and do as He directs.

Lord, I often get in the way.  My mind knows these things, but I go ahead anyway as if I were in charge.  Lead me, Lord!  Take my mind off what I can do so that I look to You for all things.  Guide me in Your goodness and mercy to live according to the way You know I need to live.  Help me to understand humbly and simply that apart from You I can do nothing.  I cannot even command my body to keep living, for that too is in Your hands.

Lord Jesus, You have dealt with us, foolish generation after foolish generation, in Your great love and mercy.  Lift me up to be with You and stop depending upon myself alone.  Guide me in the goodness You have given me and teach me to see when I am not looking to You for guidance.  Of course You are God.  Remove the doubts and plant in me Your presence and purpose so that I may always follow You.  Amen.

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