Devotion for Saturday, October 5, 2024

“And the disciples came up and said to Him, “Why do You speak to them in parables?”  And Jesus answered them, “To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been granted” (Matthew 13:10-11).

When You understand who our Lord is, what He has asked of you, and know the goal of your faith, you no longer need to be taught the elemental principles.  These parables translate to every time and place, giving the fundamental truth that we need to build our lives upon Jesus.  You first receive the Good News with many things that seem like riddles, but then you grow in understanding and these things are simply a part of what you know.

We all go through the same process of learning.  Rather than ask the Lord why He is doing something, learn to hear His instruction and obey what He is telling you to do.  The mystery of heaven is not complex.  God is God and He is to be loved, feared, and obeyed.  If we do, the rebellion of this age will pass away and we shall become what He is making of us.  This is why He said that we are to have no other gods before Him.

Holy Spirit, I often make things more complex than they need to be.  I ask questions rather than simply doing what I am being told to do.  Guide me so that I may bear the fruit You intend for me to bear.  Help me to tell Your stories so that those who have ears to hear and know Your voice will follow You.  You know all that is needed.  Help me to learn from You how to live my life here, now, and always.  Amen.


Devotion for Friday, October 4, 2024

“Others fell among the thorns, and the thorns came up and choked them out.  But others fell on the good soil and yielded a crop, some a hundred, some sixty, and some thirty times as much.  The one who has ears, let him hear” (Matthew 13:7-9).

The good soil is the Lord, His word, knowing and understanding that every circumstance will grow us in faith.  Do not focus upon how much is produced – that belongs to the Lord.  Focus upon remaining rooted in the Lord.  The cares of the world can choke you and take your eyes off the prize.  The parable is simple to understand, and you know what the Lord is saying, so heed the word of the Lord.

Lord, I do know what you are saying.  Your word is to be taken as the source of life.  If I am distracted, carried away by the world or worry about circumstances, I will wither and die.   If I am in You, I will grow and bear fruit.  Help me so that I heed these words of Yours and grow deeper in the truth You have revealed.  You have given me the words of eternal life.  Help me to live into that life.

Lord Jesus, apart from You I can do nothing.  Help me to live these words.  You will cause me to bear whatever fruit You will give me to bear.  Guide me in Your goodness and mercy to have a singular focus as I willingly walk the path You have set before me.  Take my eyes off myself and what I am doing so that I may focus upon You and listen for what You would have me do.  Guide me always my Savior.  Amen.


Devotion for Thursday, October 3, 2024

“Others fell on the rocky places, where they did not have much soil; and they sprang up immediately, because they had no depth of soil.  But after the sun rose, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away” (Matthew 13:5-6).

Many will hear the word of the Lord, comprehend that here is truth, but not let the word sink in.  The word of the Lord must take root.  You are to become like Christ.  Jesus is not after fair-weather friends, but He has come to make of you a child of the Heavenly Father.  Life is not about how you feel, but about living life with the intention of becoming what the Lord is making of you.

Lord, when times are tough, I often fold up and wither.  I need the deep roots in You to sustain my life so that in times of drought I may not wither away.  You know this, but I need help to do my part so that I may be sustained in and by You through all that life will bring my way.  Lead me to have depth in this faith that You have given me so that my weariness may be refreshed with the truth of Your word.

Lord Jesus, Word made flesh, You have come that we may have true and abundant life.  Take me away from a Sunday religion that only makes me feel good, but does not prepare me for the times of heat which come in my life.  Lead me to grow deep roots in You through daily prayer, reading of Scripture, and meditating upon and inwardly digesting the words You have given me.  Guide me, Lord, so that I may abide in You now and forever.  Amen.


Reformation Sunday


John 8:31-36


[Props: Print out a copy of Martin Luther’s 95 theses, tape]

Pastor: Good morning boys and girls! Welcome! Let’s say good morning to our friend Sammy and see if she is there. Ready? One, two, three: Good morning, Sammy!

Sammy: Good morning, everyone!


Pastor: Today is a special day, Sammy!


Sammy: I knew it! Happy birthday, Pastor!


Pastor: No, no, no. Today is not my birthday.


Sammy: Happy anniversary, Pastor!


Pastor: Wrong again, Sammy.


Sammy: I give up! What is the special day?


Pastor: Boys and girls, do you know what special day it is today?


[Allow time for responses]


Pastor: It’s Reformation Sunday!


Sammy: It’s Reformation Sunday! Hooray! What’s that?


Pastor: Today is a day where we remember when Martin Luther nailed 95 theses, or proposed reformations, to the door of the church at Wittenburg.


Sammy: Why did Martin Luther do that? He put a lot of holes in a nice door.


Pastor: Martin Luther wanted to reform the Catholic Church. He didn’t like some of the things the leaders in the church were doing. He wanted everyone to know that we are saved by grace through faith. Jesus is the author and perfector of our faith, and we look to him for our salvation.


Sammy: Martin Luther seems like a great guy.


Pastor: He is, Sammy. Today we are going to hang the 95 theses on the door of our church. I have the list Martin Luther created here. We are going to hang up this list together.


[Walk with children to church door and hang up the 95 theses. You may hang them on an interior church door.]


Pastor: Thank you for your help, everyone. Let’s pray. Can everyone please fold your hands and bow your heads? Dear Jesus, Thank you for your church. Thank you for sending people like Martin Luther to help grow your church. Thank you for being with us here. We love you. Amen.


Sammy: Bye, everyone!


Pastor: Bye, Sammy!

Children’s Sermon October 20th, 2024/ Twenty-Second Sunday of Pentecost/ Lectionary Year B



Mark 10:35-45


Pastor: Good morning boys and girls! Welcome! Let’s say good morning to our friend Sammy and see if she is there. Ready? One, two, three: Good morning, Sammy!

Sammy: Good morning, everyone!


Pastor: Boys and girls, I was wondering, do you have a favorite spot to sit in your house? Where is that spot?


[Allow time for responses]


Sammy: I love sitting at the top of the meadow and looking down at the rolling great hills and the wildflowers blowing in the wind. And I love listening to the birds sing. The top of the meadow is my favorite spot.


Pastor: That sounds like a lovely spot, Sammy.


Sammy: It is.


Pastor: In our gospel reading from Mark today, James and John want to sit at Jesus’s left and right hands.


Sammy: Sitting next to Jesus sounds like a great place to be. What’s wrong with that?


Pastor: Well, Jesus tells James and John that they don’t know what they are asking. Jesus asks them questions in return: “Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?” And they say that they are able.


Sammy: Well that’s great!


Pastor: Jesus then agrees with them, and says James and John will drink from the cup that he drinks and be baptized with the baptism that he is baptized with. But James and John cannot sit at his left and right hand—it is for those for whom it has been prepared.


Sammy: I am lost. What does Jesus mean?


Pastor: James and John drink from the cup of wine Jesus offers. This cup is the blood Jesus shed to give us the new covenant. We drink from this cup when we have communion.


Sammy: That makes sense. What about the baptism?


Pastor: Jesus is baptized with water, the Word, and he receives the Holy Spirit. When we are baptized, we are baptized with water and the Word, and we also receive the Holy Spirit.


Sammy: I understand that part now, too. But what about the seats at Jesus’s left and right hands? Why can’t James and John sit there?


Pastor: That place is reserved for the two men who stole from other people and were crucified on Jesus’s left and right sides.


Sammy: Oh no.


Pastor: That’s why James and John can’t be seated at Jesus’s left and right hands—two other people were already chosen to take those places.


Sammy: Pastor, I find comfort knowing that God knows better than me. He has a perfect plan for my life, and he delivers me from harm and danger even when I am not aware of the danger around me.


Pastor: Jesus loves each one of his disciples, and he loves each one of us. He was looking out for James and John.


Sammy: I’ll look out for you, too, Pastor. Let’s pray. Can everyone please fold their hands and bow their heads? Dear Jesus, thank you for communion. Thank you for baptism. Thank you for keeping us safe and helping us to serve each other in love. We love you. Amen.


Pastor: Bye, Sammy!


Sammy: Bye, everyone!

Children’s Sermon October 13, 2024/Twenty-First Sunday of Pentecost/Lectionary Year B


Mark 10:17-31


Pastor: Good morning boys and girls! Welcome! Let’s say good morning to our friend Sammy and see if she is there. Ready? One, two, three: Good morning, Sammy!

Sammy: Good morning, everyone! Pastor, I have a question.


Pastor: I am ready for your question, Sammy.


Sammy: Are you good at sharing?


Pastor: I’d like to think that I am pretty good at sharing, yes.


Sammy: YES! That’s great! Woo-hoo! I found this $50 bill in your office and I am so glad you want to share it with me.


Pastor: Hang on a second there, Sammy.


Sammy: I was thinking we could go get ice cream together, and then we could go to a local farm and say hello to all the animals. And then we could get a few pumpkins. After that, I was thinking we could—


Pastor: Sammy, you can’t just go into my office and pick up money you find and ask to share it.


Sammy: Why not? This money was on the floor. It was like you put it there for me to find. You’re great at creating surprises, Pastor.


Pastor: Sammy, I am going to take the money back now. I didn’t leave it for you as a surprise. We are not going to share the cash, either.


Sammy: I guess you weren’t listening to what Jesus said today, Pastor.


Pastor: What do you mean, Sammy?


Sammy: Jesus said in Mark Chapter 10:25 “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” I am just trying to look out for you, Pastor.


Pastor: Boys and girls, what do you think Jesus meant when he said, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God”?


[Allow time for responses]


Sammy: These are great answers!


Pastor: Do you understand now, Sammy? Jesus is encouraging us to give up what we love more than him so that we can be closer to him. He wants us to share our gifts: what we have in our homes and what we have in our hearts. Jesus doesn’t want us to keep everything to ourselves. He wants us to love him and each other.


Sammy: So…

Pastor: But that doesn’t mean we have to give up everything to everyone. So I am going to take that large bill back.


Sammy: Okay. I understand. I am sure I can find some coins in the parking lot!


Pastor: That’s the spirit! Boys and girls, let’s pray together. Would everyone please fold your hands and bow your heads? Dear Jesus, Thank you for encouraging us to hold tightly to you. Thank you for helping us give to others. Thank you for your grace and mercy. Amen.


Pastor: Bye, everyone! Bye, Sammy!


Sammy: Bye, everyone!

Children’s Sermon October 6th, 2024/Twentieth Sunday of Pentecost/ Lectionary Year B


Mark 10:2-16


Pastor: Good morning boys and girls! Welcome! Let’s say good morning to our friend Sammy and see if she is there. Ready? One, two, three: Good morning, Sammy!

Sammy: [sad tone] Good morning, everyone.


Pastor: What’s wrong, Sammy?


Sammy: I wanted to tell you all that sometimes I feel like I am too little to do anything.


Pastor: What do you mean, Sammy?


Sammy: Well, sometimes I try to play with older lambs, and they don’t want me to play with them. And I have trouble reaching the special treats in the barn. I am a little lamb, and sometimes the older lambs make me feel like I don’t matter.


Pastor: I am sorry to hear that, Sammy. I want you to know that you always matter to me and to Jesus.


Sammy: [Still sad] Thanks, Pastor.


Pastor: Boys and girls, can you think of a time when you were too little to do something? What happened?


[Allow time for responses]


Pastor: Thank you for your answers, everyone. I remember being too little to _____.


Sammy: I guess it’s a good thing that we have Jesus, right? Even though I am small and other lambs make me feel unimportant, I am always important to Jesus.


Pastor: That’s right. Jesus’s disciples saw that moms and dads were bringing their tiny babies and toddlers to Jesus, and they told Jesus to send the little children away.


Sammy: That sounds familiar. The older lambs tell me to go away, too.


Pastor: Sammy, Jesus is different. He tells the disciples that the Kingdom of God belongs to little children, and he says to let the little children come to him.


Sammy: He does?


Pastor: Yes—Jesus loves even the smallest of babies. Each of us are created in the image of God, and God loves us.


Sammy: That’s great news!


Pastor: That’s what the gospel is all about. The good news of Jesus Christ is for all of us, even the littlest among us. Let’s pray: Dear Jesus, Thank you for welcoming babies and toddlers. Thank you for modeling how to love our Christian family. Thank you for your good news. We love you. Amen.


Sammy: Bye, everyone!


Pastor: Bye, Sammy!

Devotion for Wednesday, October 2, 2024

“And He told them many things in parables, saying, “Behold, the sower went out to sow; and as he sowed, some seeds fell beside the road, and the birds came and ate them up” (Matthew 13:3-4).

The seeds that the Lord gives us are all around us.  Many fall by the wayside.  Enamored with the earth’s beauty, we go about our business as if nothing mattered.  We live life in this physical world without much thought about the life to which we have been called by faith.  Do not let the things of this world overwhelm you such that you forget the One who created all things and who has called you to be with Him.

Lord, I do become distracted with the life I live in this world.  I am often overwhelmed both by what I am enjoying as well as what is distracting me.  You have created all things, and we may enjoy them, but You call for us –  for me – to worship You, the Creator, and not created things.  I am distracted by the good things of life and forget You, the One through whom all life has its being.

Lord Jesus, with simple and timeless words, You have given us words to live by.  Help me to be mindful lest Your word of life be taken from me.  Guide me to have Your word upon my heart and on my lips so that I may become more like You each day.  Lead me, O Lord, to walk the way You would have me walk, doing what You give me to do.  Guide me in Your goodness and grace.  Amen.


Devotion for Tuesday, October 1, 2024

“On that day Jesus had gone out of the house and was sitting by the sea.  And large crowds gathered to Him, so He got into a boat and sat down, and the whole crowd was standing on the beach” (Matthew 13:1-2).

Jesus is practical.  All things were created through Him, so of course He knows physics and how things work.  He’s in the boat and they are on the shore.  It’s a natural amphitheater.  Our Lord will use current situations and circumstances for His word to go forth.  Be a part of what the Lord is doing and know that You also may be called upon to be His voice speaking the words of truth.

Lord, You always seem so natural when You do things.  You just sit in a boat and start talking to thousands.  You and the Father are One and in that mystery, I think of myself as one in the crowd and would never be one to speak.  But You have given me the words of eternal life.  How can I stand by and watch as the multitudes go hungry for the lack of the eternal sustenance that You give?

Lord Jesus, You have called for me to follow You.  No matter where I am, or what I am doing, give me Your word to speak.  Holy Spirit, bring to remembrance everything I need to know so that I may speak Your words when needed.  In all things, Lord, grant that I would be faithful to use every situation and act in all circumstances to be faithful to the call of grace You have given me.  Lead me to be a child of the Heavenly Father.  Amen.