Devotion for Saturday, October 26, 2024

“The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells everything that he has, and buys that field” (Matthew 13:44).

The Lord makes it plain, yet there is also a thought which needs to be pursued.  We sometimes think in terms of the gifts just being given us, but we must do our part.  This is about relationship.  The two are to become one.  Have we not heard this from the beginning?  It involves true merging with the Lord, Him in us, that we find ourselves.  We are two, yet one.  Some know this in marriage, but do we know this in faith?

Lord, I live the mystery with each relationship that I have.  While I am fully myself with another, I am also a new person,  But also there is a unity or bond that grows in the friendship.  Lead me so that I grow in the ability to relate with You and others.  Guide me into all truth that I may leave behind that which has no enduring value for the gift of the eternal life which You are offering me.

Lord Jesus, You offer me joy and peace.  Grant that I would be led humbly by Your grace and mercy to live into the life that You are offering me.  Help me to understand these things more clearly and focus my attention and energy on what You know I need.  Through all things, guide me in Your goodness to live into the new life which You have given me through faith and by grace.  You are the One who must lead me in the way I need to go.  Help me, Lord.  Amen.