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“So just as the weeds are gathered up and burned with fire, so shall it be at the end of the age” (Matthew 13:40).

There are people who will refuse to come to the Lord.  They like the idea of paradise, but they are unwilling to repent and become people who will not be turned away .  The wicked must be separated.  This is true justice.  It is not capricious of God to forbid sinners from corrupting heaven.  Sin has corrupted this world.  Those who follow the Lord are being prepared to live in His kingdom forever.

I know that this world is filled with hate, Lord.  Guide me so that I live into the life for which You are preparing me.  Help me to understand Your wisdom a little more each day.  When confronted by those who yell, “It’s not fair,” help me to understand the rebellion against You so that I realize that You alone are just.  Lead me to trust You above all things.  This is Your creation, and You will do what You will with what is Yours.

Lord Jesus, You came with great humility, and You have taught us what it means to be a part of Your kingdom.  Help me in Your goodness and mercy to humbly walk the way You would have me walk.  Guide me so that I humbly live according to Your teaching.  In all things, help me to listen to Your voice above the constant noise of this age.  Lead me into the righteousness You give by grace.  Amen.


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