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“This was so that what was spoken through the prophet would be fulfilled: “I will open My mouth in parables; I will proclaim things hidden since the foundation of the world” (Matthew 13:35).

Through the parables, the Lord shows us how the fallen are redeemed.  The Lord tells us of the people who stay in rebellion versus those who repent and turn to the Lord.  He even tells us that there will be the continuing wicked amongst the righteous.  All that we need to know to navigate in this world is laid out before us.  The hidden things have been revealed because we have been given the Holy Spirit.

Lord, grant that I would have ears to hear and eyes to see.  Lead me in the way of righteousness all the days of my life.  Open for me the Scriptures so that I may know what it is that You have spoken, and apply these lessons to my life.  Through all things, guide me to understand and believe all that You have spoken.  I know that only in You is there true life that leads to eternity.

Come, Holy Spirit, and keep my focus sharp.  Guide me to understand that in You alone is there hope of an eternal future.  Lead me to listen as You speak, whether through preaching, teaching, or the reading of Your word.  Through all that You give me, help me to apply the lessons You give so that I may grow to become what You have always intended.  Lead me always in the way of righteousness.  Amen.


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