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“Jesus presented another parable to them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field.  But while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and left” (Matthew 13:24).

The enemy is always seeking to thwart the work of the Lord.  Yes, one day the wicked one will be banished, but until that day, there are weeds among what the Lord has planted.  You do not need to tolerate weed behavior.  Sadly, many do.  If one in your fellowship does not contribute, love them, enjoy their fellowship, but don’t support them becoming a leader.  They are willfully unrepentant.

Lord, it is hard when you know someone is bragging about sinning, and whose offering to the fellowship is opinion and advice.  Help me to stand strong as one of Yours and, when it is my place to stand in the way, help me to stand up faithfully and peacefully against willful and sinful behavior.  I know the weeds are around me and sometimes I am the weed; but help me to see through my (first) and others (second) sinfulness to seek to do what is right.

Lord Jesus, lead me in humility so that I do not judge another, but help me to be willing to judge actions righteously.  Guide me to understand that the weeds are all around, but that You have purpose in everything.  Help me tolerate every tolerable situation, but to understand the way things are supposed to be.  Then, Holy Spirit, guide me to do what You would have me do.  Guide me in living life as one of Your redeemed.  Amen.


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