Devotion for Saturday, September 28, 2024

“When it comes, it finds it empty, swept, and put in order. Then it goes and brings along seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and live there; and the last state of that person is worse than the first. So will it be also with this evil generation” (Matthew 12:44b-45).

Thinking we know what we’re doing, without the Lord, the more we think we improve, the worse it will be. The wicked one excels in corruption. The Lord alone gives life. The offer of grace is to see the house cleaned by the Lord so that He may dwell with us. He will not fill us with nothingness, as the world does, but fulfil us with life, meaning, and joy.

Lord, I see two kinds of wickedness. There is that which most agree is heinous, and the worse which are the smug self-righteous people who look down upon others with a hateful attitude of superiority. Let me be neither. Sweep my house clean and go into the dark corners to rid all the rebellion in my heart. Keep me full of the truth of Your presence and purpose.

Thank You, Holy Spirit, for dwelling in me. Lead me according to Your goodness and grace so that I may humbly walk under Your guidance. Let not the wicked one have his way with me but keep the house of my soul clean. Create in me a clean heart, renewing my spirit so that I may go about the Father’s business with joy. Teach me how to love others as You love me. Amen.