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“When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it wanders through waterless regions looking for a resting place, but it finds none. Then it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came’” (Matthew 12:43-44a).

We are plagued by the wicked spirits of this age. Those banished from heaven torment with their temptations. Sadly, we listen. If we seek to clean our house on our own, they will find a place prepared for even more to live. If the LORD cleans our house, it will be cleansed, and He will come and dwell with us. On your own, or by the power of the LORD; one works, the other does not.

Lord, why do I wrestle for control? You are the Lord of all. I can do nothing without You and yet, I go through life as if I could do things on my own. Help me to see that if I try to do things without You, there will be a mess because of what I do not know. Help me to do all things by Your direction and in Your power so that what is done is within the plans of the Father. Yes, clean my house and then come dwell with me.

Lord Jesus, apart from You I can do nothing. I may be busy and believe I am doing something, but without You, I will make a mess of it. Guide me in the way of everlasting life so that I may live with Your guidance all the days of my life. I must decrease and You must increase. Lead me to increase my faith in You that I may live in the way You have established. Amen.

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