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“The people of Nineveh will rise up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it, because they repented at the proclamation of Jonah, and see, something greater than Jonah is here!” (Matthew 12:41)

Justice moves beyond what you or I think. It moves through reality of circumstances and place. The people of Nineveh were evil but repented. People today do not believe they are evil. Looking truthfully at oneself is not easy. You are where you are. Where you have done evil, repent and walk in the grace given to you. The Lord has come, and He bids us to walk with Him now and forever.

Lord, it is not about the amount of evil done. It is not about my place in time or even the situation. It is about acknowledging my need for You. Death has swallowed me up so that I struggle to not die rather that walk with You and simply live. Lord, teach me to confess so that I do not fear judgement. Teach me to live looking to You, knowing that all things are in Your hands.

Lord Jesus, judgement is in Your hands. Where I fear judgement, bring me to repentance. Guide me so that I come to you for the directions I need each day. Correct me as I walk the life of faith. In all things, help me to see that I am being transformed to Your image as You prepare me for that day when I stand before You face to face. Let me see that there is plenty to condemn, but only You who gives life through faith and forgiveness by grace. Amen.

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