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“For just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the sea monster, so for three days and three nights the Son of Man will be in the heart of the earth” (Matthew 12:40).

From dust we were created and to dust we shall return. No matter what you believe, Jesus was dead. Then, from death, He was raised to life. Scripture is silent on what happened from Jesus’ perspective, so respect the silence and do not speculate. There are many things our Lord does which we do not know about (John 21:25). Learn to trust God above all things, especially your ability to understand.

Lord, I am curious, and I want to know. When it causes me to move forward, that is a good thing. Sometimes my curiosity causes me to stumble and because I do not know, I think it cannot be. Guide me to look to You for all things. Help me to realize that, of course, there are many things I do not understand. Therefore, lead me so that I may learn to trust You always and for all things.

My Lord and Savior, I do need to be saved from my desire to know everything. But that is why faith is required. You were dead and then You rose. You have said that all who believe are saved by Your grace. Help me to learn how to be faithful in all circumstances. Guide me in Your goodness and mercy to humbly walk where You lead and do the things You give me to do. May I be faithful to Your call today and every day. Amen.

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