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“I tell you, on the day of judgment you will have to give an account for every careless word you utter; for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matthew 12:36-37).

Sloppy and careless, often without thinking, we are spurred on by what is happening in the moment. Whether the moment is of passion or in is calling us to live lives that are intentional. By grace are you saved, but we all are held accountable by Jesus. Do not use words lightly, nor figure that because you are under grace that you are somehow not accountable for your actions.

Lord, I understand this principle. In this world, I am accountable for what I do. It may seem that I get away with some things for a while, but my actions do place me in a position where my words direct where I go and what I do. Help me to not live in fear, but to live responsibly, seeking to say and do what is right in the Father’s eyes. Teach me to repent and amend my words so that I may speak wholesome things.

Lord Jesus, I know that I need not fear being damned, because You have given me grace. Yet sometimes I do not fear Your disapproval enough at the things I say and do. Heal my heart so that I speak what is loving to my neighbor and acceptable to You. Guide me in Your goodness to live this out through what I say and eventually, in all that I do. May I speak acceptable words this day to all with whom I speak. Amen.

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