Devotion for Saturday, September 21, 2024

“The good person brings good things out of a good treasure, and the evil person brings evil things out of an evil treasure” (Matthew 12:35).

What are you storing up in your heart? If you read Scripture and fill your heart with knowledge of the Lord and your activities seek the Lord’s will, then you are building a good treasure. If you are serving yourself, then you are building a bad treasure. The direction of your heart will store up what it desires. Do you desire the Christ-life, or a life that is built upon your own desires?

Lord, I confess to You that I have both desires going on in me. The self-centered person in me must decrease and Your image in me must increase. Sometimes I do not even know which is which. Lead me, Lord, so that I may be on the path of salvation more consistently. Take away the desire for the self and replace that with a longing for You in all I say and do. You know what is needed.

Lord, save me from myself. Often, I do not know one life from the other. Grant me the hope of salvation that, through all things You will guide me in Your goodness, to complete the faith that You have poured into me. Through all that I experience in this life, keep me with You in the upward call You have given me by grace. Grant that I would look to You alone as the source of my being. Amen.