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“You brood of vipers! How can you speak good things, when you are evil? For out of the
abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Matthew 12:34).

What is in your heart? Where you are rooted will guide how you think and what you say. If you are worldly, it will show. If you are rooted in the Lord, it will be evident. In this age, we are a mixture of both. What will increase and what will decrease? Will you die to sin, death, and the devil? In eternity there will be no mixing of the two. You will either be one who is with the Lord, or one who is against Him, and judged accordingly.

You have created us in Your image Lord, but we all like sheep have gone astray. You have come in the flesh to redeem as many as would believe and follow You. Guide me, Lord, in the way You know I need to go. Let me see the path I need to walk. Create in me a new and clean heart that longs for You and Your ways. Through all things, lead me to humbly live the Christ-life You give me.

I ask you, Lord Jesus, to make of me what You will. Where I need to be humbled, humble me. Where I need to be bold, grant me courage. Whatever it is that You see that I need, teach me to accept Your guidance to become what You are making of me. Keep me on the narrow path of Your salvation so that I may live the life You have set before me to become what You are making of me. Amen.

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