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“But if it is by the Spirit of God that I cast out demons, then the kingdom of God has come to you” (Matthew 12:28).

If it is by God’s Spirit, then the kingdom of God is with You. Why do we say, “The Lord be with You?” We say this because without the Lord, we can do nothing. I can do nothing. If the Holy Spirit directs you to cast out demons, then speak as directed, for the demons know who has all power and authority. The kingdom of God begins with you knowing by faith that He is present and that all power and authority belong to Him.

Lord, there is a spiritual battle raging around me. Our contemporary culture makes fun of all of this and calls it superstition. Help me to neither be afraid, nor indifferent, but engaged with You. No matter what happens, help me stay connected with the Lord and walk the narrow path. The kingdom of God is within all who believe. Our Lord has promised to be with us always, and never leave nor forsake us.

Lord Jesus, these things are real because You are talk about them. Help me to not focus upon the evil in this world, but upon You who has conquered all evil from the cross. The wicked one has no power over me, but so many believe His lies. Help me to know that You are Truth, and he is a liar. Keep me on the narrow path of following You without fear. Guide me today in the way I should go and grant me a willing heart to do what You ask. Amen.

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