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“But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, “It is only by Beelzebul, the ruler of the demons, that this fellow casts out the demons” (Matthew 12:24).  

The wicked will do anything to discredit the Lord.  In what they say wrongly is faithfulness, unaware that they are serving their “father” below, they will accuse those who follow the Lord.  They accuse.  You will know them by their fruits.  The wicked are always accusing.  Do not be deceived by them but see things as they are.  No good can be done except through the Lord, He is the source of all that is good (Psalm 37:3). 

Lord, I have been falsely accused when I am doing the best I can to do what is right in Your sight.  Continue to be the One who directs me, even when others are accusing me.  Where there is a legitimate accusation, help me to see, repent, and turn back to Your grace.  Where it is a false accusation, help me to see it for what it is, shake the dust off my feet and move on. 

Lord Jesus, my mind can go in many different directions.  Only by Your help can I stay on the narrow path of faithfulness.  Help me to be very slow to accuse, quick to repent, and willing to obey what You are commanding.  Guide me always to see that in You alone is there hope and a future.  The wicked are all around me, but You are the One who leads the faithful.  Help me to be faithful to You, Lord, doing what You would have me do.  Amen. 

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