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Mark 8:27-38


Props: Please print or create little hearts that say “Jesus loves you” Isaiah 50:4-9. You can create these however you see fit for your congregation.

Pastor: Good morning boys and girls! Welcome! Let’s say good morning to our friend Sammy and see if she is there. Ready? One, two, three: Good morning, Sammy!

Sammy: Good morning, everyone!

Pastor: Sammy, did you know that every word of the Old Testament is a prophecy of Jesus?

Sammy: What do you mean? What about the word “I,” Pastor?

Pastor: I am.

Sammy: Okay, what about the word “and?”

Pastor: Father, Son, AND Holy Spirit.

Sammy: Wow. He’s good.

Pastor: Let me explain a bit. I want us to think about the passage we heard from Isaiah today. In chapter 50, Isaiah is talking about a man who is going to come to earth and suffer. And this man will be strong because God is with him. Who do you think that man is?

[Allow time for responses]

Sammy: I think Isaiah is talking about Jesus.

Pastor: That’s correct. Isaiah is prophesying about Jesus here in our text today. He talks about how Jesus obeyed God’s word. He talks about how the soldiers mistreated Jesus and hurt him.

Sammy: It seems like Isaiah knew exactly where Jesus would have boo boos.

Pastor: Isaiah knew what Jesus would go through. He saw the future.

Sammy: How was Jesus able to suffer like that? That’s not right and it’s sad.

Pastor: Jesus had his eyes on Heaven, and he was a willing sacrifice. He stood in our place because he loves us so much.

Sammy: That’s a great love.

Pastor: It is. Let’s pray: Dear Jesus, thank you for your great love and sacrifice. Thank you for the prophecy from Isaiah. Thank you for loving us. Amen.

Today I want you to help me show God’s love to everyone here. We are going to give each person a heart. Will you all help me hand these out to everyone?

[Have children distribute hearts to the congregation]

Sammy: Bye, everyone. Remember Jesus loves you!

Pastor: Bye, Sammy!


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