Devotion for Wednesday, September 11, 2024

“Then they brought to him a demoniac who was blind and mute; and he cured him, so that the one who had been mute could speak and see” (Matthew 12:22).  

 What is impossible for God?  He was there and healing those who were brought to Him.  Is there willingness that is a part of the equation?  It is best to ask yourself that question.  Are you willing to be healed by Jesus?  Each of us needs what we need and thinking that we have no need for God is often a difficulty for us.  If we are willing, the Lord will heal where we are blind and will give us words to speak when we are mute. 

 Lord, I still have so much pride in me that even with You, I pretend that I do not have need.  But I do have needs, many of them.  I need the healing that only You can give.  Begin with my pride and show me how to be humble, knowing that all things are in Your hands.  Help me to see where there is need for change, both in myself and, where it is Your command, in others.  May I be allowed to serve in Your name, bringing others to You. 

 Lord Jesus, I need healing.  Open my eyes to see the truth.  Open my mouth to speak Your words.  Bind the wicked one who pesters me.  Free me to be Your servant always.  In and through all things, be the One who leads me moment by moment all the days of my life.  Guard my heart, soul and mind so that I live out the life You give as You shape me to be whom You are making me to be.  Amen.