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“He will not wrangle or cry aloud, nor will anyone hear his voice in the streets.  He will not break a bruised reed or quench a smoldering wick until he brings justice to victory. And in his name the Gentiles will hope” (Matthew 12:19-21 (quoting Isaiah42:1-4)). 

 Jesus has not come to sell His version of things.  He did not come to establish a religion.  Jesus is the Lord of all, and He has come offering eternal life to as many as will come and join Him.  This world is filled with suffering and sorrow.  The one thing we have is hope.  Because Jesus lives, we too shall live.  He does not argue with us but has plainly stated the fact of the matter.  Either you will or you will not come to Him on His terms. 

 Lord, this world is filled with arguments.  People are calling for us to go one way or another.  From the beginning, You have told us of the way things are to be.  Help me to see through the lies of this age to understand that of course it must be the way You have created things to be.  Guide me in Your goodness and mercy to understand that in You alone is there hope and a future. 

 Lord Jesus, You have never coerced me to do anything, but You are constantly calling me to live the life You have demonstrated by word and deed.  You have nurtured me in the faith to learn how to follow You and I have heard what You desire from me.  Help me to put into practice each day what needs to be done.  Lead me in Your goodness so that Your light shines through me this day as I seek to do what is pleasing to the Father.  Amen.  

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