Devotion for Wednesday, September 4, 2024

“But if you had known what this means, ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned the guiltless.  For the Son of Man is lord of the Sabbath” (Matthew 12:7-8). 

 Mercy understands what is going on.  It chooses to not punish.  In the case of those who do what is practical, why would you punish them?  Jesus is not talking about those who are always seeking a way around things, but about the faithful who often get into trouble because they do not conform rigidly.  The constant insistence that requires constant sacrifice is not the way the Lord works. 

 Lord, there are so many who want to run things the way they want to run them.  They think they know best.  They insist you give up any idea that is different from theirs and do not allow for any variation.  Lord, help me to be merciful with others.  Help me to no longer think in terms of what I must give, but to think in terms of what You have given that I may have the hope of everlasting life. 

 Lord Jesus, I am bound by sin, and I need Your help to think clearly about things.  Guide me away from a legalism that ensnares yet keep me seeking to live by Your law.  Help me to be merciful with others as You have been merciful with me.  You are the Lord of the Sabbath, for in You I find my rest.  Keep me on the narrow path of righteousness and help me to be gracious with others as You lead me.  Amen.