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“See, I am sending you out like sheep into the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves” (Matthew 10:16).

There are wicked people in the world. But to understand them, one must understand the wolf in themselves. The sinner is there. That serpent in you has wisdom of the world. It sees things. Be wise, but, and this is the big part, remain in the innocence of Christ while seeing how the wolf thinks. This easier than you think. It is a matter of living the truth that you are a sinner and a saint.

Lord, You know how the wicked one wants me to play nice and confront no one. Sheep are slaughtered continuously for lack of wisdom. Teach me to be shrewd and wise yet remain innocent in the Father’s eyes. You have given me these instructions, so help me to push through my idea of religion to live in the faith that You give me. Guide me into this kind of faith.

Holy Spirit, You know the inner struggle I have between the sinner and the saint. I do know the ways of the world, but sometimes outwardly pretend that I do not. Guide me, Lord, so that I do use the wisdom You give me. Grant me understanding and remove from me all wickedness. Help me to go out into the world, aware of circumstances, and willing to confront the wolves I meet with the truth. Amen.

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