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“As you go, proclaim the good news, ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. You received without payment; give without payment” (Matthew 10:7-8).

The Good News is that the kingdom of heaven has come near. Jesus is always close by. Will you take His hand and walk with Him? You have received freely, now freely give. If the Lord so leads, bring healing where He directs. He is the One with all power, but He grants all of us authority to go out in His name. As you have been called, so also, you are sent to share the good news of salvation which is in Christ.

Lord, why do I make this so complex? You are the Lord of life and You have given me Your life. If I am willing, You can ask me to say to a mountain, “Be moved,” and it will move. I need no power, for I have none, You can do all things through me. Bring me to the place where I am willing to be Your servant, going into the world, doing what You give me to do. These things are only possible because all things are possible with You, Lord of all.

Holy Spirit, I wrestle inwardly with my own abilities. Take away this focus upon myself so that I may humbly walk by Your guidance. Lead me in Your goodness to simply follow Your instructions. Help me today to share the truth that the kingdom of God is near with all that I say and do. Help me to be bold in faith, knowing that You will direct me in those ways which will see the Father’s will being done in me.  Amen.

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